MMO's need to change.
Im betting (just a wild guess) that the people that have multiple suits of armor for multiple dungeons, that spent money to have multiple tabs of gear for each dungeon, are fucking LIVID at this change.
From my own perspective, I still blame PoP & Luclin in EQ for the way MMO's turned out, a handful of hardcore EQ raiders went on to make that the standard system for MMO's and their expansions, thanks to WoW. I'm not blaming them, no one had any idea how wildly popular WoW actually was going to be, but it permanently changed the goal of a MMO being a living complex world, to an illusion of an open massive world, which all goals and activities are actually just funneling you towards endgame raiding and PVP. Was fun for a few years/expansions, but JFC devs are still spinning out these variations of the WoW system.Im wary of going back to it just because of that - all my work might be erased over night. But at the same time, I realize that an expansion in WoW erases all your work overnight as well. MMO's need to change.
I miss when raiding wasn't the only part of the endgame, actually I miss when the concept of endgame didn't actually exist in MMO's. I didn't sit in VT getting swarmed by 4 armed trannies thinking "Whelp, guess I'll do my daily quests after this then login in a few days for next raid" No, I had a ton of shit to accomplish, and that game is from 20+ years ago.
From my own perspective, I still blame PoP & Luclin in EQ for the way MMO's turned out, a handful of hardcore EQ raiders went on to make that the standard system for MMO's and their expansions, thanks to WoW. I'm not blaming them, no one had any idea how wildly popular WoW actually was going to be, but it permanently changed the goal of a MMO being a living complex world, to an illusion of an open massive world, which all goals and activities are actually just funneling you towards endgame raiding and PVP. Was fun for a few years/expansions, but JFC devs are still spinning out these variations of the WoW system.
PoP was what started it, change my mind. It made the rest of the content pointless. I played alts on Karana, I even got sucked into raiding there around the end of Luclin. With PoP, there was no need for an organized small casual guild to go anywhere else once the bigger guilds had progressed to the EP's. In Luclin that guild was still doing stuff across all expansions, IIRC only Nightbane ,an asian, and frenchie guild were topdogs, but the server had a raid rotation going (part of the reason I chose to make alts there TBH)
I miss when raiding wasn't the only part of the endgame, actually I miss when the concept of endgame didn't actually exist in MMO's. I didn't sit in VT getting swarmed by 4 armed trannies thinking "Whelp, guess I'll do my daily quests after this then login in a few days for next raid" No, I had a ton of shit to accomplish, and that game is from 20+ years ago.
When I used to go to La Ronde in Montreal, I didn't just ride the big rollercoaster, and call it a day, fuck no, I went on all the other rides, played games, and ate and drank a bunch of unhealthy shit. Raid or Die gamers are the ones repeatedly lining up for that single ride over and over. That shit is fucking old.
I was always a big fan of quests that took forever to complete, but had a huge reward that made it all worthwhile. Gauntlets of Dragonslaying is probably the most memorable loot I ever got. First we had to kill Yelniak, I had to win the head, I had to rep tormax so I could actually turn it in, and I had to wait forever to catch Tormax alive, because the people killing him were faggots and wouldn't give me 5 seconds to turnin, but goddamn was it all worthwhile, and I remember it all 2 decades later.
I still haven't tried this game, 50-60$ entry fee for a game that didn't sound very successful keeps me away.
Man - its a good damn change. But Im glad I havent really given the game a chance again since I left, because Im betting (just a wild guess) that the people that have multiple suits of armor for multiple dungeons, that spent money to have multiple tabs of gear for each dungeon, are fucking LIVID at this change. Again, its a great change. But good god do they fuck the player base over and over and over in this game. Im wary of going back to it just because of that - all my work might be erased over night. But at the same time, I realize that an expansion in WoW erases all your work overnight as well. MMO's need to change.
Flail may have a stun and slow side of the tree which would be really cool to have. I figured they would have broke the shield up from the 1 handed sword by now, too. As I would love to have some of the utility that a lot of the other 1 handers have. While still having some of that protection that the shield offers. Like it would be cool to have the Blunderbuss and Shield combo like some of the NPC's have for example. Even though all that interests me, Im still not going to play tank again. Stressed me way the fuck out in this game for some reason.The way I am interpreting it, they’re going to do a soft gear reset with the expansion. Your current stuff can’t go higher than 625 and the new perks will only drop on the new xpac gear. If they design it right, then BiS perks will only be on the new gear. Supposedly the “umbral shard” mechanic is going away for the new gear. On the one hand, that’s nice. On the other hand, I liked being able to turn certain 599 items into legendary gear by upgrading to 600.
Resiliant is going away and being baked into armor load. So presumably light gets almost nothing and heavy gets lets of crit resistance
Flail is supposed to be the next weapon. They said it would be focus and STR as stats, so I suspect it will be a healing item with mechanics similar to Brigitte in Overwatch
That's why I can still play Black Desert.
The same gear that was good 7 years ago is still top tier today, for the most part.
They just announced the xpac
Only 1 “new” zone - the revamped first light
Level 65
Flail and shield (doesn’t seem like it is healing, more debuffing and buffing)
Item level 700
250 max tradeskill level
Some new dungeons
Oct 3 - $30
Ok, yea. This video was way, WAY, more interesting to watch than their past "Balance of Power" episodes.They’re just going to make items drop at appropriate ilevel based on player level and the difficulty of the content. Removing expertise just eliminates grinding your individual ilevel per slot before you can get drops of that ilevel
Current system: I hit level 60. I have 510 expertise in hats. I kill a level 63 elite boss and he drops a hat. That hat could be level 600, but because my expertise is only 510, the ilevel of the hat drop can only be a maximum of 510
New system: I got level 60. I kill the boss. The hat drops at ilevel 600