New World


Blackwing Lair Raider
Where's my god damn invite amazon. I give you fucks enough money
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Ancient MMO noob
There are tons of issues with the Amazon launcher. I myself can't connect to the game server.

Some can't install the game; some can't download the game; there are memory leak. It is one of the worst alpha I have experienced, and I got into lots of alpha. If I recall correctly, the best alpha I was in is RIFT.


Trakanon Raider
I can connect on my laptop, whereas I can't on my desktop. Still enjoying the game, however! Being dumped in the middle of wherever without instructions to begin with led to EQ (back in 1999) vibes for me. It's what u make of it.


<Gold Donor>
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<Gold Donor>
For the state of the game, this is probably the most polished Alpha I've ever experienced and while it has its bugs, I'm very encouraged and confident in the team building this game. Some of the social aspects are still kind of clunky and the global economy is a big question mark to me, but the game is still impressive.

If I were to compare this to something like Rust, I would say this is everything that Rust should've been in an MMO setting. From the psuedo fantasy setting, to guilds, crafting, social, raiding, PVP...everything.

The game is designed around actually playing the game, which can involve grinding if you want, but definitely doesn't require grinding so that you can play the game. Players can contribute at lvl 1.

It's already apparent to me that highly organized guilds with good leadership are going to dominate the world. And I don't just mean PVP. The crafting system in this game is incredibly robust and while the "world building" isn't really implemented yet, it's already enjoyable and the synergy between gathering, crafting, and world building is in a really good spot. I think this will be a game that big guilds will flock to. I wouldn't be surprised to see guilds leave existing titles to move to New World.

I'm not even trying to hype this game.

They're consistently adding quality content and by the time this game releases I think it will be the biggest dark horse title we've seen in decades, which technically isn't saying much haha.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Still no alpha forum access wtf. The game is cool and it sort of reminds me of UO in a lot of ways which is good. The only thing it's really missing is magic (coming soon?), solo player housing, and dungeons.

Armor needs to be buffed big time, I wonder if it's even working right now. Seems like running around naked with a weapon is just as good as using expensive armor that breaks way too easily and costs a ton to fix.

The map seems big at first but after a few days it's pretty small. Hope that they expand it like 10x in the final game. And hopefully there are way more monster/animal models in release... right now we have what like 10? Or less.

Haven't joined a company yet or done any group play or building structures yet, I'm sure that's gonna be a huge part of the game. 50 person limit on companies, not sure how to feel about that yet. Seems small.

All in all pretty optimistic.
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<Gold Donor>
Still no alpha forum access wtf. The game is cool and it sort of reminds me of UO in a lot of ways which is good. The only thing it's really missing is magic (coming soon?), solo player housing, and dungeons.

Armor needs to be buffed big time, I wonder if it's even working right now. Seems like running around naked with a weapon is just as good as using expensive armor that breaks way too easily and costs a ton to fix.

The map seems big at first but after a few days it's pretty small. Hope that they expand it like 10x in the final game. And hopefully there are way more monster/animal models in release... right now we have what like 10? Or less.

Haven't joined a company yet or done any group play or building structures yet, I'm sure that's gonna be a huge part of the game. 50 person limit on companies, not sure how to feel about that yet. Seems small.

All in all pretty optimistic.

Armor is working, but you can't look at it like the traditional PvE MMO. Most armor gives 1% - 7% resistance (based on type and quality) to attacks, like slash, thrust, or magical for example. The weight of armor also effects how fast you can run. Linen allows for a faster pace than say plate, but you're getting the benefit of higher resists from plate.

Levels function in much the same way. Like a lvl 1 with a sword versus a lvl 30 with an equivalent sword stands a fighting chance, because this really is a game of inches, not miles like WoW. That's why a good level 10 can contribute comparably to a shitty level 40 (max lvl is 80).

Magic's already in the game in the form of gauntlet cd's, but currently the only spell is an aoe healing spell.

The world seems pretty big to me. It probably takes 45 minutes to run from the northern part of the map down south (they'll be adding mounts later I think) and there are guild territories everywhere in between. I know they have plans for additional monster models, per patch notes, but this isn't your classic PvE game so I'm not sure it's a priority.

A few professions aren't in the game yet.

Sieging isn't in the game yet.
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Trakanon Raider
The world size we have now is supposedly 1/6 of the actual size. The way it's shaped I'd imagine the whole thing will look like a star or pentagram with everyone starting at a point and being funneled to the middle where all the high end stuff will be.
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<Gold Donor>
The world size we have now is supposedly 1/6 of the actual size. The way it's shaped I'd imagine the whole thing will look like a star or pentagram with everyone starting at a point and being funneled to the middle where all the high end stuff will be.

That makes sense.


Vyemm Raider
This game has a lot of similarities to a napkin mmo I dreamed up years ago. Excited to see what direction they take moving forward.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Try clicking your name and see if "Profile" shows up, then click that.

It was bugged out for me too.

Still nothing, only option is to sign out. I made an account before I got invited to the alpha, wonder if that fucked it up permanently.


<Bronze Donator>
For the state of the game, this is probably the most polished Alpha I've ever experienced and while it has its bugs, I'm very encouraged and confident in the team building this game. Some of the social aspects are still kind of clunky and the global economy is a big question mark to me, but the game is still impressive...

The game is designed around actually playing the game, which can involve grinding if you want, but definitely doesn't require grinding so that you can play the game. Players can contribute at lvl 1...

It's already apparent to me that highly organized guilds with good leadership are going to dominate the world. And I don't just mean PVP. The crafting system in this game is incredibly robust and while the "world building" isn't really implemented yet, it's already enjoyable and the synergy between gathering, crafting, and world building is in a really good spot. I think this will be a game that big guilds will flock to. I wouldn't be surprised to see guilds leave existing titles to move to New World.

I'm going to echo what you've said... I can't speak much for "crafting/survival/sandbox" games like this (usually not my thing), but this has been pretty solid so far. I think the most important part of a game is just simply having fun while doing the basic stuff. Gathering and crafting and what not has not been bad, and as stated you can contribute at a low level. Even just gathering and exploring has been pretty solid. It seems to have a good foundation of being "fun" or entertaining enough.

Technically, it's ran pretty damn well for me on an i7-2600k and GTX 970. Connection issues haven't been terrible, but I also haven't been on since they did a recent invite. So when I was playing it was only 100 people max or so. Hit boxes and AI reaction/animations need to be cleaned up, but that's to be expected.

If they can polish up the social features & menus, add some guidance to starting the game, and elaborate on some of the "end-game" systems/goals this could definitely be something. Finding a way to keep the game fun, and not having one or two companies completely dominating the map will be a solid challenge as well.

For an alpha, it's been pretty damn good. Not too big for it's "britches". There is a solid foundation here, a "fun" game, this coming from someone who doesn't love survival/crafting/resource games.
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