You need to get out more. This is some serious teenage angst shit right here.yeah she gets naked but you won't really like who she gets naked with. You get ~30 seconds of some titties, thats about it. They are nice titties.
honestly if you like the Sopranos DO NOT watch this movie, its absolutely terrible and retroactively ruins the Sopranos a little bit. I wish i hadn't watched it. Just pointless, fucking stupid, and for a show that had maybe 15 minutes of screen time with black people in it over 86 episodes, its entirely bizarre that about 50% of this movie is dealing with black characters and black issues. None of it makes any sense either.
this is the Last Jedi of the Sopranos, just character assassinations all around
I was thinking of rewatching Sopranos but honestly after seeing this turd i don't really want to, so thanks for saving me 86 hours i guess
(young) Tony Soprano is barely in the movie, and nothing he does is really important or relevant. You could cut his part out entirely and nothing would change. Honestly the only good thing in the movie is (prison) Ray Liotta, but the setup for that character is so ludicrously stupid its just baffling. The entire movie feels like the message is "You like mobster movies? Well, fuck you, here's a pile of shit. HAHAHA!"
I never watched the show, so, thought this would be a good way to get the wife interested - it definitely had the opposite effect. We both thought it was terrible. I really don't understand the positive reviews (75% from critics on rotten tomatoes). I thought maybe we were just missing out on a lot of context or nuance since we didn't know the characters, so, I'm sort of glad to see some fans of the show hated it here.
yeah she gets naked but you won't really like who she gets naked with. You get ~30 seconds of some titties, thats about it. They are nice titties.
honestly if you like the Sopranos DO NOT watch this movie, its absolutely terrible and retroactively ruins the Sopranos a little bit. I wish i hadn't watched it. Just pointless, fucking stupid, and for a show that had maybe 15 minutes of screen time with black people in it over 86 episodes, its entirely bizarre that about 50% of this movie is dealing with black characters and black issues. None of it makes any sense either.
this is the Last Jedi of the Sopranos, just character assassinations all around
I was thinking of rewatching Sopranos but honestly after seeing this turd i don't really want to, so thanks for saving me 86 hours i guess
(young) Tony Soprano is barely in the movie, and nothing he does is really important or relevant. You could cut his part out entirely and nothing would change. Honestly the only good thing in the movie is (prison) Ray Liotta, but the setup for that character is so ludicrously stupid its just baffling. The entire movie feels like the message is "You like mobster movies? Well, fuck you, here's a pile of shit. HAHAHA!"
Funny enough I was the one that missed out in the start of some of the greatest shows where I'll watch an episode like 4, 5, 6, 7 seasons in, be like this shit is great and I probably should start watching from the beginning. Happened with Sapranos, Breaking Bad, Ozark and The Office. Thank god for streaming services. Only shows I watched beginning to end was The Shield and Better Call Saul (because Breaking Bad was so fucking good). I'm fucking horrible that way haha.Are you the kind of guy that watches MCU TV shows first?
Funny enough I was the one that missed out in the start of some of the greatest shows where I'll watch an episode like 4, 5, 6, 7 seasons in, be like this shit is great and I probably should start watching from the beginning. Happened with Sapranos, Breaking Bad, Ozark and The Office. Thank god for streaming services. Only shows I watched beginning to end was The Shield and Better Call Saul (because Breaking Bad was so fucking good). I'm fucking horrible that way haha.
Some of the new shows out there people rave about I never gave a chance to because Netflix or Prime has so much shit on their platforms and been burned so many times by the dogshit throw it at a wall and put it put there crap shows they make.
HBOmax is pretty garbage now days, Starz has better content
who wrote this piece of shit
Even in fiction, white people can only be successful after oppressing blacks.Just pointless, fucking stupid, and for a show that had maybe 15 minutes of screen time with black people in it over 86 episodes, its entirely bizarre that about 50% of this movie is dealing with black characters and black issues. None of it makes any sense either
you're an industry insider. don't you hang out with them?who wrote this piece of shit