NFL 2014 Off-Season Thread


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
stomp on a defenseless guys head during a game (Hanyseworth) -- you get five games, knock out your defenseless wife and drag her around gets you 2 games.....makes sense. What a piece of shit.
Get accused of being an overly firm lover but never charged with anything: 6 games.


Going down to Pats training camp on saturday.

Going to:

1. Buy a Revis jersey
2. Eat at Five-Guys
3. Get my Revis jersey signed
Getting your Revis jersey signed by a Five Guys burger flipper will make it a guaranteed collectors item. Probably the only one out there. Are you gonna get it framed afterwards?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Its a pretty big place. Florida has three. California has three, for now. Do we really need two in the bay area? Two in NYC? One in Pittsburgh?


Both of those things are criminal ( Haynesworth and Rice). It's funny how people react to different situations.

White guy makes an off color remark on a private phone call ,and is vilifeid as well as losing his investment.
Black guy roflstomps his fiance, and drags her body around a hotel is cheered at practice, and only gets a 2 day suspension.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
The Ravens apparently do not suspend their players no matter what. Stay classy Baltimore!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Teams don't suspend players, the league does. Seems like that has to be explained every single season for some situation or another.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
From Newsome saying he "wondered if a different story would emerge" after watching the tape to that ridiculously staged press conference where Rice tried to portray this as some sort of comeback story for him....the Ravens did their part too. And it's not like guys such as Derrick Mason aren't coming out and blasting Goodell too, and he was a teammate. Rice might be a good guy who made one bad mistake for all we know, but for a league that cites half of its fans are women.....the suspension has to be relative to the crime (which was far worse than Haynseworth's foot stomp, and far far far worse than smoking pot).


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Newsome and Harbaugh aren't going to give a lick of jack fucking shit to the press. You really expect the GM to come out and denounce his own players? Maybe if its Hernandez, but this shit isn't even going to trial. I'm not saying what Rice did was right, but you really can't expect the front office to burn him on the pyre of public opinion along with everyone else. They have a football team to run this year and no matter their personal opinions the guy is on the books for too much money not to play. They have to stand by him and use their best double speak until it blows over.

Blast Goodell all you want, fuck that guy. And yeah the league punishments are all kinds of backward and upside down and unfair. But its not the front office's job court public perceptions and dole out punishments. They have a business to run, its not personal now and won't be when they cut his worn down little ass in a year or two.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Teams don't suspend players, the league does. Seems like that has to be explained every single season for some situation or another.
I think this is incorrect. Didn't the Dolphins fine and suspend Jones just a few months ago?

On another note is anyone looking forward to the NFC East playing the West? I wonder if the Cowgirls beat anyone in the division.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
The best thing about the Ray Rice deal is that they surely can't suspend Aldon Smith for more than 2 games for mouthing off at the airport now.


Silver Knight of the Realm

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
I think this is incorrect. Didn't the Dolphins fine and suspend Jones just a few months ago?

On another note is anyone looking forward to the NFC East playing the West? I wonder if the Cowgirls beat anyone in the division.
Cowboys own the Rams, DeMarco Murray prison rapes the Rams on a regular basis.
Can't see Jerry accepting another team in Texas without a fight. Probably a Davis Jr. ploy to strong arm the city to build him a new stadium. One without the sewage and shitty fucking baseball infield.

Also, lol @ the suspension chart. "Signed autographs in college" of these is not like the others?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Newsome and Harbaugh aren't going to give a lick of jack fucking shit to the press. You really expect the GM to come out and denounce his own players? Maybe if its Hernandez, but this shit isn't even going to trial. I'm not saying what Rice did was right, but you really can't expect the front office to burn him on the pyre of public opinion along with everyone else. They have a football team to run this year and no matter their personal opinions the guy is on the books for too much money not to play. They have to stand by him and use their best double speak until it blows over.

Blast Goodell all you want, fuck that guy. And yeah the league punishments are all kinds of backward and upside down and unfair. But its not the front office's job court public perceptions and dole out punishments. They have a business to run, its not personal now and won't be when they cut his worn down little ass in a year or two.
The worst of that wasn't even Ozzie, or Harbaugh. It was that sham of a press conference, the Ray Rice speech of getting up when you're knocked down like he tore his ACL or some shit made it even worse once you see the irony of knocking his woman out. Goodell should have come down like a hammer on him for that alone, so I don't really fault the Ravens per se, pretty much any team is going to try to win. But Rice's words didn't really come off as sincerely apologetic, and having the woman there made it look like some kind of sideshow.

I wasn't even going to bring up the shit with zero proof with the Big Ben case and his resulting 6 game suspension vs a video of proof of knocking some bitch out, but I guess Grimm already did =p. Ozzie must put out for ole Rog or some shit.