NFL 2015-2016 Season Thread


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Can we realign the league, or move the rest of the AFC least to the Sun Belt in college or something? How fucking lucky can a team be to have literally no competition in the division for 20+ years aside from Mark fucking Sanchez?

Fucking piece of shit organizations Dolphins, Bills, Jets while we have 2-3 good teams every year in the North.....bleh
Can we realign the league, or move the rest of the AFC least to the Sun Belt in college or something? How fucking lucky can a team be to have literally no competition in the division for 20+ years aside from Mark fucking Sanchez?
brady and belichick are the reasons those teams suck. they bail on their draft picks too early because they consistently never make the playoffs


Silver Knight of the Realm
Why do teams bother to even play zone vs the Patriots? Their receivers are terrible vs man because they're slow/small/weak, its been the way teams have beaten Brady in the past. Just double Gronk and take your chances everywhere else, at least it will give your pass rush time to get there. He's just sitting there and killing them with death by a 1000 cuts underneath shit all day.

Edit: haha Chiefs play man that play and almost have an interception.
I read an article about the woes of the GB offense. Basically it elaborated on how GB receivers can't beat man coverage for shit without Jordy Nelson. My assumption is Jordy takes the best defender and beats him some and the other wr's get less great defenders on them. So long as some receiver can beat their man and Rodgers has a second he's good but not this year, not without Jordy Nelson and complete asstastic Oline play in some games.

Conversely, that same article talked about how the Pats run a shitload of pick plays and double/trip receiver clusters and other shit designed to make it difficult for DBs to plan man coverage. I can see why teams try to mix up zone and man against them. Brady's always been great with the dink and dunk.

Pick your poison against the Pats offense I guess...


Potato del Grande
So the Chiefs could have had the ball at the 2 or something with 3 minutes to go but dude tries to score, they run up the middle on the next play, let the clock run to 2 minutes. False start, next pass short of goal line, then they HUDDLE UP, get a first and goal on a penalty, miss another shot at the end zone, and finally score.

BRAVO 1:13 left.


It's unreal how not only does Andy Reid suck at clock management but it seems to be contagious and bleed over to his QBs every single time...