NHL 2015-16 Season Thread


Trakanon Raider
Officials really set the bar in Vancouver tonight, dear lord. That last twenty minutes was ENTIRELY blown. All three goals scored were the result of pants-on-head, terrible calls.... such shenanigans....

In true Ranger fashion, they won the games they shouldn't have and are now getting screwed on games they should have. The Hockey gods are cruel =(


Golden Baronet of the Realm
can you asterisk that shit talk to leave the Kings out of it. I agree with the rest of the the Pacific but for fucks sake give my boys some credit, they've been playing quite well this season.
Sorry man, I guess I should have actually named the one team in the division that was already at (and well above) the 30 point plateau before tonight.


Trakanon Raider
Btw Eomer, the Pacific is so shit, if Hall and Draisitl can keep up what they've been doing, you guys might hang in there long enough for McDavid to come back and push for a playoff spot. Pacific is so shitty, going into tonight Edmonton was tied at the bottom of the league, now only a couple points out of a playoff spot (2 back at the moment, but Vancouver is up with 5 minutes to go which would have them leapfrog over San Jose and leave Oilers trailing the Sharks for 3rd by 3 points).

Every other division has at least FIVE teams at 30+ points, Pacific needs Vancouver to hold on to the win tonight just to get their 2nd team to the 30 point plateau.
Yup, it's funny how quickly it changed. 2 years ago the Pacific was the consensus toughest division in hockey. But with SJ trying to rebuild on the fly, Vancouver inevitably dropping as the sisters fade, Calgary and Colorado reverting back to reality and Anaheim shitting the bed to everyone's surprise suddenly it's not so tough anymore.

I don't know if the Oiler's recent play is sustainable though. Nilsson is holding them in games that they probably shouldn't be in. They've won 4 in a row now, which is super fucking rare in Oil Country, but it feels like only 1 or 2 of those should have been wins. I guess that's what happens when you start getting league average or above average goaltending though. What a concept! And keep in mind that the Oiler's entire second line has been out with injury (Pouliot, Yak, McDavid). Once they come back it'll be interesting to see how the team does and who they keep around, barring any other injuries.

Chiarelli is starting to make some interesting moves on the player front. He's pretty much entirely cleared out MacT's defense acquisitions. Fayne is being farmed out (hopefully someone takes him on waivers, but with his play and contract, doubtful), and Ference might not play another game this year (he's on IR now, which is odd. How he hurt himself when he's not even playing is bizarre). Nikitin may come up from the farm, if only to play a few NHL games before trading him, as apparently a couple teams have been inquiring. In any case, if Nikitin doesn't come up, the Oilers have something like 14m down on the farm or in the pressbox between Nikitin, Fayne, Ference, and Scrivens. Thankfully Scrivens and Nikitin expire after the season. Ference only has a year left and will likely be bought out, unless he retires, and he signed his contract before age 35 so it'll come off the cap hit if he does. Fayne's surprising to me. He was heralded as a great signing last year by just about everyone, and now he's lost his job to a 20 year old (Nurse) and a sixth round pick with only one testicle (Davidson).


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Shit there were some people on Japer's yesterday talking about making a move for Fayne to help with our blueline depth. Of course...they wanted Edmonton to take Brooks Laich's contract off our hands to do it


Trakanon Raider
I think that would probably be a fair trade. Laich's contract value is worse in terms of amount and value for the player. He's 32 and that's right around the time guys like him fall off a cliff performance wise. Maybe even a year or after that, judging by his stats. Just goes to show you how most average NHL forwards really peak earlier than perceived wisdom used to indicate. By the time a guy like Laich is 27/28, his best seasons are likely behind him. But he's only got this year left on the contract.

Fayne's is less money, and he's 4 years younger so could well bounce back in a shutdown role (and D tend to peak and fall off a year or two later than forwards), but he's got another year after this season that could be concerning if he doesn't bounce back. He's been pretty awful this year, in all honesty. His only claim to fame was being a good "shutdown" guy. He's not physical, he's not good with the puck, and he has zero offensive ability. This year he's looked too slow to be able to keep up with the pace, so he's not even capable of being a shutdown D anymore either. If I were a GM looking at trading for him, I'd be pretty nervous that he's just too slow to play in the NHL now.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I think that would probably be a fair trade. Laich's contract value is worse in terms of amount and value for the player. He's 32 and that's right around the time guys like him fall off a cliff performance wise. Maybe even a year or after that, judging by his stats. Just goes to show you how most average NHL forwards really peak earlier than perceived wisdom used to indicate. By the time a guy like Laich is 27/28, his best seasons are likely behind him. But he's only got this year left on the contract.

Fayne's is less money, and he's 4 years younger so could well bounce back in a shutdown role (and D tend to peak and fall off a year or two later than forwards), but he's got another year after this season that could be concerning if he doesn't bounce back. He's been pretty awful this year, in all honesty. His only claim to fame was being a good "shutdown" guy. He's not physical, he's not good with the puck, and he has zero offensive ability. This year he's looked too slow to be able to keep up with the pace, so he's not even capable of being a shutdown D anymore either. If I were a GM looking at trading for him, I'd be pretty nervous that he's just too slow to play in the NHL now.
Yeah Laich is a bit of a special case. His numbers got pumped up due to getting some 2nd line duty with Semin (back when he was actually an offensive threat) and PP time on those high scoring Caps teams. During the lockout he hurt his groin, and has never really gotten back to anywhere close to where he was before, even with the boxcar drop you'd expect from us getting away from that high flying fire-wagon hockey we used to play. He is certainly the worst contract in terms of value to dollars on the team.

Believe me, the desire for Fayne would mostly be to move Laich's terrible contract. Paying a 4th liner $4.5M a year is silly. He isn't playing bad in his role, but he's damn sure not worth $4.5 a year. Although a lot of guys got right around that number with stupid term that free agent year (Leino, Fleischmann, although Flash at least has become a useful secondary scoring threat again). Fayne at best would be a 6D or 7D here, just someone to shore up depth so we weren't relying on Chorney or whoever is the first call up from Hershey. Orpik has been about ~10+ games now, and they said it's not something surgery will help with so not sure what the deal is.


Trakanon Raider
haha, fuck, I forgot about Chorney. I was watching a Caps game the other day on TV and the name came up and I was like "Chorney, are you fucking with me?" He was a high second round pick of the Oilers back in 2005, but was never quite able to break in to the NHL. One of those guys that is very good in the AHL, but just not good enough at any one thing to be able to stick in the show.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
haha, fuck, I forgot about Chorney. I was watching a Caps game the other day on TV and the name came up and I was like "Chorney, are you fucking with me?" He was a high second round pick of the Oilers back in 2005, but was never quite able to break in to the NHL. One of those guys that is very good in the AHL, but just not good enough at any one thing to be able to stick in the show.
Which is why he can make an adequate 7D or 8D (if you're carrying 2 extra D) that can do fill in duty. Honestly he hasn't been completely terrible, some mistakes with periods of decent (read: quiet, which how I want my fill in D on the 3rd pair) play. Still if an upgrade was to be found for more depth, it wouldn't hurt come playoff time.

I look at Dallas and I really see echoes of our team that year we got Halak'd. I love the spot we're in right now, Dallas/Montreal/Rangers getting most of the attention, meanwhile we're top 5 in both goals for and goals against, top 5 in both shots for/game and shots against/game. PP and PK both in the top 10...just a lot of balance. Still waaaay early in the year, but I love having games in hand on everyone with the chance to just keep banking points.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Some problem with the paramedics not on site for the Caps/Panthers game. Game delayed.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Always feels good bagging up a ton of points early in the year. Holtby's going full Lundqvist mode of late though, and I mean that as both the compliment to him and a little bit of the "so you going to help him out a little more?" to the rest of the team.


Trakanon Raider
Hopefully his back breaks just the same! Haven't really been watching much about them but they are on a nasty run for sure. Kuznetzov in particular seems to be playing his dick off. Secondary scoring and stellar goaltending make them THE team to beat right now IMO.

Gonna be at the game Sunday and I am fully expecting the worst but who knows. Step and/or Klein might be back by then and if the latter is true I gotta think we keep one of the new kids and let Girardi rest his "swollen knee". If I had my way he would sit till he waives his NMC, but in a franchise that keeps finding work for Tanner Glass I find that doubtful.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
It's kind of nuts how fast and hard Girardi has fallen. I feel for the guy but nice to see the Rangers in a little bit of disarray. Pens too. Meanwhile the team that's really been on a tear is the Islanders. Just shooting up the Eastern Conference.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Another bullshit call against Tom Wilson. Literally just goes for a shoulder to shoulder bump off the puck, guy gets whiplash from being short and having his head down like an idiot, match penalty. Almost let Ottawa back into a game that they were being completely shut down in.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Don't even know what to say about the Caps right now. Holtby had a rough night, and they still hit the "Win" button.


Trakanon Raider
Well Caps / Rangers went about as expected. Complete freefall mode right now, painful to watch. Only saving grace is that the rest of the metro are also competing in this retard race. Add to that Habs, Bolts and Ducks all underperforming. I'd call it a silver lining but I don't see ANY redeeming qualities in the Rangers right now. Bleh...


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Well Caps / Rangers went about as expected. Complete freefall mode right now, painful to watch. Only saving grace is that the rest of the metro are also competing in this retard race. Add to that Habs, Bolts and Ducks all underperforming. I'd call it a silver lining but I don't see ANY redeeming qualities in the Rangers right now. Bleh...
You'll bounce back once your get your D settled. Saw the Pens finally broke out tonight as well, Malkin is carrying that team.