Sonic is better though. All around. In my opinion anyway. Still. I look at a game like Zelda and how awesome it is for 59.99. And al the content and development time. Then horizon zero dawn. Same thing. Then I look at fucking Mario kart which should be 20 bucks for the amount of effort put into the series of rehashed maps over five games over and over. And shake my head in disgust.
Mario Kart is awesome. The only issue I have with the high price is the fact that it is a rerelease.
Binding of Isaac Rebirth+ is more expensive for PS4 than the Switch, Ut BTFO
Am I missing something?!/en...irth/cid=UP2103-CUSA00792_00-BINDINGOFISAACP4
Here is the add on!/en...irth/cid=UP2103-CUSA00792_00-BOIAFTERBIRTHPS4
$25.99 total.
Switch: The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+ - Nintendo Switch: Video Games
38 bucks.
39 on the eshop.
What am I missing here?
Sonic is better though. All around. In my opinion anyway. Still. I look at a game like Zelda and how awesome it is for 59.99. And al the content and development time. Then horizon zero dawn. Same thing. Then I look at fucking Mario kart which should be 20 bucks for the amount of effort put into the series of rehashed maps over five games over and over. And shake my head in disgust.
Ut, we all know you hate Nintendo. We get it. Do you really just have nothing better to do with your time to constantly shit up every Nintendo thread?
So has anyone started Zelda hard mode yet? Was thinking about restarting on hard mode tonight. Wondering how much harder it actually is.
No idea. I'm guessing the "+" portion of it is more content of some sort?Ritley: What's the difference between that version and the $14.99 + 10.99 expansion of Afterbirth?
Who the fuck are you? Go back to SA with that shit. Here? We talk about good and bad and fuck off with your "We get it don't you have anything better to do than talk shit about a system where we should really never say anything except give it the praise and viral attention so it sells more?" SA and NeoGaf are to the left. Go back there if you want that shit. Here we can pound the piss, or praise the piss, or be indifferent about a game system, game, product, whatever the fuck we want to do. So get that through your head. It isn't shitting up a thread. So here is an idea, tell me what you like about your system, I'll either agree or disagree, call it shit, your opinion may be shit, and you can do the same in rebuttal. Welcome to the forums. Oh, also...
I don't hate Nintendo given I own all their consoles save this tub of crap. I earned the right to bitch about one of the most overhyped piles of shit early accessed feature-less garbage consoles ever released since the Atari 26 Fucking hundred. Shit, My Atari had more features than this with the Black and White on off switch. And that switch even opened and closed my pod bay doors in "Shuttle" !
Now, with that bullshit out of the way:
Ritley: What's the difference between that version and the $14.99 + 10.99 expansion of Afterbirth?
And this is more bullshit too. Paid DLC to get a fucking hard mode. Seriously. That just happened and Nintendo fans ate the shit up along with this early access piece of shit hardware device.
I am going out soon on date night with Wifey to get some Sushi and go see Frank Caliendo. When I come back T Therage , tell me why this console isn't shit in a box and an early released nightmare mega fuck up beyond belief seen in this day and age. And come at me with more than "BUt I can take a shit while playing Zelda even though my hands cramp up a bit" because unless you have IBS, you aren't playing Zelda while taking a fucking shit.
What I like about the switch? I just had to spend a week in a hotel for work. Mario kart, Zelda, binding kept me occupied when not working. I also like the fact that I can play and watch TV (i also own a vita and 3ds). To be fair though I have all the major consoles and a gaming rig. My Xbox one s is a 4k blu-ray player. My ps4 which I own a shit load of games is mainly a netflix/amazon or vue device at this point. Just lack time to get heavily invested in games.
Don't get me wrong I'm not saying the switch is the best thing to happen to consoles. Lack of surround sound, virtual console are annoying as shit. They could print money with vc. Netflix/amazon doesn't really irk me as much as it does you, I get that all devices have it, but why bother when lacking the surround sound anyways? As for multi-player yes they should have built in shit instead of a phone app voice chat doesn't bother me as much, I rarely use my headset on my ps4 unless playing with some friends, rarely in public games usually. And the Nintendo account should be all devices wide. Prices of games don't bother me, the controller could be a bit cheaper, and an extra dock should definitely be cheaper Holy shit.
For me it's just nice to veg out with a movie or TV going on the background and play Zelda. Or do a couple races. I have spent way more on games I own on my ps4 that I literally have played for less than an hour.
Also I have never been to neogaf and sa? Something awful? Never been there either. I've been on foh since velious/luclin era just normally don't post much. It's just every thread that involves a Nintendo product I see you complain. I know you have said you like Nintendo many times and hate this console. But didn't you also pirate botw? And you praised it for being awesome but didn't support the devs, which is kind of shitty imo. I understand that Nintendo developed and published it, but that game should be worth the price of entry on your wiiu. And it's not like the Zelda team had a say in when the switch launched, or pricing etc. And yes I know the devs most likely aren't going to see a dime beyond their normal salaries but I digress. Good karma and all that shit.
Good enough of an answer for ya I hope.
I was almost certain that this time someone askingUtnayan to stop posting in this thread that is was gonna work!
What I like about the switch? I just had to spend a week in a hotel for work. Mario kart, Zelda, binding kept me occupied when not working. I also like the fact that I can play and watch TV (i also own a vita and 3ds). To be fair though I have all the major consoles and a gaming rig. My Xbox one s is a 4k blu-ray player. My ps4 which I own a shit load of games is mainly a netflix/amazon or vue device at this point. Just lack time to get heavily invested in games.
Don't get me wrong I'm not saying the switch is the best thing to happen to consoles. Lack of surround sound, virtual console are annoying as shit. They could print money with vc. Netflix/amazon doesn't really irk me as much as it does you, I get that all devices have it, but why bother when lacking the surround sound anyways? As for multi-player yes they should have built in shit instead of a phone app voice chat doesn't bother me as much, I rarely use my headset on my ps4 unless playing with some friends, rarely in public games usually. And the Nintendo account should be all devices wide. Prices of games don't bother me, the controller could be a bit cheaper, and an extra dock should definitely be cheaper Holy shit.
For me it's just nice to veg out with a movie or TV going on the background and play Zelda. Or do a couple races. I have spent way more on games I own on my ps4 that I literally have played for less than an hour.
Also I have never been to neogaf and sa? Something awful? Never been there either. I've been on foh since velious/luclin era just normally don't post much. It's just every thread that involves a Nintendo product I see you complain. I know you have said you like Nintendo many times and hate this console. But didn't you also pirate botw? And you praised it for being awesome but didn't support the devs, which is kind of shitty imo. I understand that Nintendo developed and published it, but that game should be worth the price of entry on your wiiu. And it's not like the Zelda team had a say in when the switch launched, or pricing etc. And yes I know the devs most likely aren't going to see a dime beyond their normal salaries but I digress. Good karma and all that shit.
Good enough of an answer for ya I hope.
Someone woke up early from naptime.I didn't pirate BOTW. I purchased it for my Wii U. I download ROMS for classic games on the NES and SNES. However, if Nintendo ever got off their ass and made VC a fully subscribed service which had all their classic NES/SNES games on the service, I would easily pay $59.99 a year like I do with PS Plus and would even buy a switch at that point.
The device has surround sound. But Nintendo is too cheap and fucked in the head to license Dolby, so basically what you get is LPCM, which CAN work but it's uncompressed, so the chances of having a full uncompressed 5.1 sound track on a cart most likely won't happen.
What I am pissed about is that this sets a whole new low bar for standards for Nintendo for a system that should have never launched in the state it was in, and is also a desperate move to get the Switch out ASAP because of plummeting stock values. The lack of foresight this company has is astounding, frustrating, and 100% backwards. I am pissed, and bitch, because I still have hope Nintendo will take their head out of their ass and start going about the business models in a right way. Which, they never do. They better be working right now on VC, (And a LOT of content for it) and figuring out how to get voice chat and lobbies on the damn device like everyone else has since 2001. (Seriously, that's fucking 16 years ago and they STILL do not have a streamlined online service worth a shit, and are even still using friend codes for fuck sake. The Wii U made progress on this, and when I say progress, it had an online component that was somewhat easy to use - although still rapidly behind the times because NOJ thinks everyone outside Japan has 4 inch hands and host parties with hot chicks crowding around a 7" stand up screen in 4 way coop on a coffee table as "Socializing". With Iwata gone, I am hoping new life blood starts standardizing more on western concepts. The Wii, the most successful console for them, was designed around casual play and movement controls - something that was highly adopted outside of Japan and was the reason why they sold so fucking many of them. More than 90% of their sales come from OUTSIDE of Japan. So it's time to think about the global picture - not their little island of backwards thinking which I would be guessing is a result of culture.
Reasonable post reply though and a hell of a lot better than the typical Nintendo hands over ears responses I normally see where they are so fucking blinded by a Nintendo console, they don't see the 90% wrong with it, unfinished, or outright botched in deployment.