If the Switch came out with all of the features that faggots like Palum and Ut keep crying about, it would've cost well over $1,000 and then they'd be crying about the ridiculous price of the console. It's really fucking simple: the system is underpowered because making it as powerful as the PS4 or Xbox1 while also being portable would've driven the price up to a point where most consumers wouldn't have bought it. They sacrificed on graphics to get the price point down to $300, and it was a smart decision. Also, as underpowered as it is, Zelda and Mario: Odyssey are more beautiful than anything that has been released on either Playstation or Xbox. I bought the Switch because of Nintendo's first party games, and because it's portable. As I've stated before, if I want to play top end games, I'll play them on my PC, which makes the PS4 and Xbox1 look like a pile of dog shit by comparison, and I don't have to worry about frame rate issues, either.