Nintendo Switch (previously NX)


Molten Core Raider
This isn't BS corporate marketing dude, this is their fucking shareholder meeting and official financial reports. You can get into a ton of trouble by making fraudulent statements to your shareholders.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
This isn't BS corporate marketing dude, this is their fucking shareholder meeting and official financial reports. You can get into a ton of trouble by making fraudulent statements to your shareholders.

Of which there is a graph on all three global market segments, stating actual sell through numbers, which amount to around 5.9 million, with you stating (based on your opinion) that they are over 7 million sold through which would mean 2 things which are NOT factually correct. 1) They would have had to sell through over 1.1 million units in October. 2) That would reflect current stock as it stands TODAY. Neither of which are showing they could have sold 1.1 million units in October when looking at the two objectives and September units being not even a quarter of your projected October sales. IE: It didn't fucking happen.

You are far better off stating the facts, and also stating Nintendo is heading into the holiday season with a boatload of stock on shelves currently, and aimed to possibly be a huge system seller with Mario now out and Xenoblade 2 hitting shelves in December, for the holiday season, without supply constraints - instead of blabbering on about pie in the sky for the here and now.
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Molten Core Raider
All I'm doing is quoting their report to shareholders. It's right here on page 13 of their financial report for March-September 2017:

Those 3 graphs you are citing of Switch sell through are only for US/Canada, Europe, and Japan. That is not the totality of Switch sales, and isn't presented as such - it's just some graphs to show shareholders the sales relative to the 3DS and Wii U in their 3 biggest markets. Not present in those 3 graphs is Mexico/South America/Australia/China/Korea/etc/etc which easily makes up for the phantom 1.1 million units you say are "missing".

4 pages later, they cite ongoing lack of hardware on shelves due to production issues:

The ongoing lack of Nintendo Switch hardware on shelves in domestic and overseas markets means that our consumers, eager to play the software that has already been released, are not yet fully able to acquire the hardware. We are working to ensure that these consumers are able to get hardware, moving forward.

And then say quite plainly they have sold over 7 million Switch to consumers:

While about 7 million units of Nintendo Switch hardware have been delivered into the hands of our consumers around the world...

You are wrong on this dude. You aren't reading the graphs correctly or the context they are presented.
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Molten Core Raider
Me too. Look at the graphs. That isn't 7 million sold through.

They aren't claiming 7 million sold through in US+Canada/Europe/Japan. That's all those 3 graphs show. There's a lot more countries the Switch is selling in.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Oh give me a break. Is that going to be the new spin? That they can count 50 units sold in equador?

Can you explain to me why this is a statement...

The ongoing lack of Nintendo Switch hardware on shelves in domestic and overseas markets means that our consumers, eager to play the software that has already been released, are not yet fully able to acquire the hardware. We are working to ensure that these consumers are able to get hardware, moving forward.

When they have been available everywhere for months. THEY ARE NOT SELLING OUT OR EVEN CLOSE TO SELLING OUT.

If they can lie about that, what else can they lie about???

zignor 4

Molten Core Raider
Jesus Christ. If this keeps up I'm going to start another tedious argument about pixel density. Watch your asses.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Jesus Christ. If this keeps up I'm going to start another tedious argument about pixel density. Watch your asses.

Oh don't worry I haven't forgotten about your stupid trepid argument. Rafterman handled your sorry ass, and you are obviously not even close to correct on your graph assessment either (I love that graph... It isn't even close to true - because I have tested all those distance / resolution ratios and I can tell the difference in all resolution sets in extreme detail from what the graph says I shouldn't be able too)

ISF that display buddy!


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>

I already addressed this. Keep up with the thread. Mario has his own thread.

If Manowar is going to come in and start with the typical nintendo tagline of bullshit marketing, I'll be there to temper that with actual facts. It was hard enough staying away when I was reading the back and forth with Rafterman (Correct) and that Zignor 4 guy's posts (Dead wrong) on the display issues.

Which, @Amod , I would like to request Zignor 4's user name be renamed to Zignor 480p.
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zignor 4

Molten Core Raider
Claiming that someone "handled my sorry ass" when that someone is clearly challenged in reading comprehension and in following basic, simple conversational progression isn't doing any favors for your side.

And in an appropriately related topic, I not only mentioned in the same fucking sentence I posted it in that the chart is imperfect, my purpose for linking it was obviously lost on you given your comment. Stick to your Picard facepalms. Words are evidently too hard for you.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Claiming that someone "handled my sorry ass" when that someone is clearly challenged in reading comprehension and in following basic, simple conversational progression isn't doing any favors for your side.

And in an appropriately related topic, I not only mentioned in the same fucking sentence I posted it in that the chart is imperfect, my purpose for linking it was obviously lost on you given your comment. Stick to your Picard facepalms. Words are evidently too hard for you.

The fact you even attempted to post that graph shows just how utterly clueless and idiotic your argument is, much less your so-called expertise. I have to go see who won a pumpkin carving contest I'll be right back. And then we can discuss your lack of knowledge in anything display related because you took an ISF class in 1985 and think you know a thing or two about not knowing a thing or two about that thing or two.

zignor 4

Molten Core Raider
Lol, the fact that you are in disagreement with my reason for posting the graph puts you at odds with your buddy Rafterman, who claimed that Zelda looks better at 720p handheld than at 900p on a large screen, which means that perceived resolution changes based on screen size versus distance, which is directly related to the reason I posted the graph. Impressively done, shit head.

But sure, I'll wait. I look forward to basking in your clearly immense knowledge of display technology and all of its individual components. Then you can come over to my house and show me how Zelda looks better handheld than docked. If you manage to prove your point, you can even bring nude photos of Rafterman along and I'll let you jerk of to them in beautiful 4K.
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Molten Core Raider
Oh give me a break. Is that going to be the new spin? That they can count 50 units sold in equador?

Yes, the entirety of western Asia, South America, and Australia are the equivalent of the sales in Equador. Not to mention Dubai, Israel, or any other prosperous nations of the Middle East.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Lol, the fact that you are in disagreement with my reason for posting the graph puts you at odds with your buddy Rafterman, who claimed that Zelda looks better at 720p handheld than at 900p on a large screen, which means that perceived resolution changes based on screen size versus distance, which is directly related to the reason I posted the graph. Impressively done, shit head.

But sure, I'll wait. I look forward to basking in your clearly immense knowledge of display technology and all of its individual components. Then you can come over to my house and show me how Zelda looks better handheld than docked. If you manage to prove your point, you can even bring nude photos of Rafterman along and I'll let you jerk of to them in beautiful 4K.

Terrible attempt. I see you have more things to learn about then just display technology. Don't fret, the master is in, and it's been a long time since I have taken off the kid gloves and needed to break out the cotton mittens.

First of all, let's talk about your decision making processes in life and perceived value add to your own wallet and how it will effect my posting. You see, judging from your horseshit posts ranging from your lack of expertise in technology and video game development/industry knowledge, to your inability to come to grips you bought a steaming pile of shit unable to deal with the psychological buyer remorse which is plaguing the very depths of what's left of your character at this point, I have come to the conclusion I need to shift gears and imagine I am replying to this...


Now.... with that being stated, let's bring this down to a level you can understand.



Is better than this....


As you can see, color is the first one. Black and white is the second. Clear so far? Good. Because with the most basic of display disparity out of the way, we can move to the often not talked about audio experience.



Is better than this....


Following me so far? If this is a little over your head just let me know, I can dumb it down for you.

I have to create a second post because only 5 images are allowed. Please continue to the next post.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Now with Audio and display technology explanations out of the way, we can move to what is called "Online service". Now, I know that term is definitely over your head, so let's post a picture to help you.



Is better than this...


Now I hope you are following still, because I am going to go way over your head, but simplify it the best I can. The picture on the right, is a lot better than the picture on the left.


The picture on the left, is better than the picture on the right.


Now... This is really going to be hard. I want you to take everything you saw, and picture it like you would picture you taking your daily mental health drug cocktail. You have 10 pills of different variety which when taken together, keeps you from flailing yourself off a cliff in despair every day. But, if you only take one or two, you come here and end up posting about display technology.

Now I want you to equate your behavioral changes and correlate that with the overall gaming experience.

Switch - No pills. You just jumped off a cliff.
Xbox One - a couple pills. You just posted about display technology and made an ass out of yourself.
Utnayan - Drug Cocktail. The perfect experience.

Please let me know if you would like to continue these valuable lessons and I can proceed in detailing out the differences in Super Sampling, Anti Aliasing, Frame Rate, Depth of Detail, Ambient Occlusion, God Rays, Particle Refraction, Draw Distance, Display Fade, and just about anything else that is missing from Zelda on the Switch when after optimizations not only did you not have any of the above, you also were lucky enough to see what 20 Fps lock looked like on a half baked console when docked.
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