See above. It is not that you are new. And I will FULLY admit I am skeptical of anyone joining, especially when the fucking ad comes from a God Damn reddit link.... It's that I am VERY protective of the last bastion of full. concise thought. If you want to go into the XBox thread and tell me why it sucks I bought a 65" OLED, a PS Pro, and saw call of duty WW2 (Of all fucking games seriously) and how good the hDR is and I am a fan of WW2, you can go in there and tell me I am fucking wrong for why I thinl that whether you have played the fucking thing in HDR or not. I don't give a flying fuck. DO it.
That's the difference. We do not vanish like a fart in the wind here because we didn't buy a product. We (I) Mock bad shit.
Any day of the week, (It's RealiZe by the way wtf is with this UK shit.... "Cannot wait to go to University.... He went to hospital".... NO. "Cannot wait to go to THE university" "We went to THE fucking hospital" ..... IT'S NOT PLURAL FUCK)
we can sit down, have a beer, and when we talk over discord, I bet the conversation goes much deeper.
THAT'S THE FORUM. Not a date, of which my date doesn't even fucking show past 2016 anyway... seriously? And not anything else to make sure that TRUE people come here and express thier opinions not backed by a dollar.