Games I'd like to see on Switch:
1. New Metroid
2. A new Luigi Mansion
3. New Donkey Kong Country
4. New Super Smash Brothers
5. New Kid Icarus (probably will never happen, but be awesome)
6. New Ghouls and Ghosts (again, probably won't happen)
7. New Castlevania (please, God, let this one happen)
I really don't care about ports of other games over to the Switch, that's not why I bought one. I honestly bought it just for the first party games that Nintendo always puts out (and are always awesome). The fact that it's a kick ass portable console, for me, is just an added bonus. I honestly never thought I'd play it that much on the go, but I take it with me almost everywhere. My only complaint about the system is I'm finding myself putting in a lot more hours than I have in a very long time into video games (at least since my mid to late twenties), which isn't entirely a bad thing, it's just that with it being portable, I find myself playing a lot more when I'm not at home.