I swear I am ready to give up on my Switch. I bought a pro controller because there was no way I was progressing on Hollow Knight with the Joy-con controller.
Then I was given Breath of the Wild. And, while that game is fun-- I am kind of a spazz at it too. Also, I am not sure I have the patience for it. Then I made the mistake of buying Cuphead 2. Yup-- too hard for me too. I feel that my brain thinks that up on the controller is just a little bit different from up in the game. That 1-5 degrees of difference is enough for me to die every time.
Someone recommended "A Hat in Time" but even that looks too hard.
Now-- to add an insult to injury, I took my switch on vacation. A let my 17 year old nephew use it and he got farther in "Hollow Knight" than i ever could. Frankly, watching how he played it, I can sincerely say I could NEVER use the controls the way he did.
So, what is the best suggestion for a FUN, non-grindy game for the switch that even someone with, say Parkinson's or Cerebral Palsy could play? Because I feel like I would be on that level (or worse).