Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
- 12,499
- 18,976
This looks like it could be neat
I just want to play classic jrpg's endlessly lol
- 1
This looks like it could be neat
Won't that mean I can't cast it to my TV?get him switch lite cuz it's half the weight and more ergonomic?
yes, that is the limitationWon't that mean I can't cast it to my TV?
I'd recommend getting the full version so you can play with your kid sometimes. Playing Mario Kart with my kids is pretty fun. For me, not them, they fucking suck and I destroy them.
I'm thinking about buying a switch for my almost 5 year old for Christmas, someone please convince me not to.
interesting about the 2 systems per account. I could see buying him the switch and getting the lite later. For now I don't even know if I want him roaming around with the thing vs only playing it in one spot with some rules about love switch lites and its a lot more durable. kids are too stupid to understand playing on TV is better, don't you remember as a kid your <atari lynx | gameboy | Turbografix | whatever monstrosity Sega had> as way cooler than NES/SNES/pc/etc?
nice thing is nintendo supports 2 systems now per account, one just has to be always online to play. so give that kid the lite and a few games, if you like nintendo games you can buy a regular switch for yourself. everyones running $299 deals on a new one with a $30 kickback GC, its that price now at best buy and amazon and will be at target this sunday
switch lite is $199 everywhere no deals cuz fuck you, its nintendo
Honestly 4 years old seems a bit early for a dedicated gaming system. If anything just get them a cheap tablet and download some free games
I gave a 4 year old my Playstation Controller and fired up the Pro. He had no idea what he was doing in any of the games he played but I threw in a Lego game, Horizon Zero Dawn, and a few other graphically cool things. He loved it. I said hey want to play this switch? Handed him the Pro controller, threw in Mario, he jacked around for a little bit and played with Mario Kart, and said, "it's fuzzy I do not like these ones". Damn right little buddy. 720p/1080p suck.
Put the Dual Shock in his hand and off he went for the next 4 hours roaming the beauty of the worlds in PS4 Pro.
Good kid that kid.
sounds like you need to buy a few tvs and wall brackets for xmasGet it for him. Don't be lame! Its a constant fight over who gets the TV for Ps4, Switch, Netflix, etc. Luckily whoever has the Switch usually is all like fuck you all and just goes portable into the other room. Leaves the rest of them to fight it out.
6 year old loves the Switch and Ps4. Games are fun on both, and no reason not to have both systems with dozens of games?
i believe you have to d/l the app for your phoneBought my 7 year old a switch for Christmas. Got him Minecraft, Pokemon: let's go evee, and Paw Patrol. I think he is set for awhile. Who knows, maybe my 4 year old daughter will also like it.
Bought myself Zelda when it was $30.
I went ahead and set it up so when he unpacks it there's no down time of setting it up /updates. I like the parental features and what you can do with the switch. Pretty cool! But why is there no pin codes for the individual profiles. I find that mind boggling.
interesting about the 2 systems per account. I could see buying him the switch and getting the lite later. For now I don't even know if I want him roaming around with the thing vs only playing it in one spot with some rules about it.