FPS noob
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So...is there a reliable way to jailbreak any version of this thing yet?
You all talking about Animal Crossing and my own experiences with Pokemans makes me think that there is literally no reason to have an unmodded console.
The v2s and switch lites are not yet hackable. There have been leaks of possibles but I think so far nothing concrete. Its nowhere near as simple as 3ds/wii/wii u, the current hacks require a jig inserted into the right joycon slot to force a specific mode on the Tegra chip etc etc.
Once you do hack you can't go online at all really either with Nintendo's services. So no Animal Crossing farm sharing or Pokemon with friends and other shit like that, also no Nintendo cloud saves although obviously you can just backup your own damn games if you jail break it.
Honestly with how few switch first party "good" games there are I don't honestly see a reason to bother, nowadays your phone can run emulators better and faster than a switch can and its pretty easy to pair a controller with a phone and prop it on a stand (or all in one it) so the big advantage, running it as an emulator machine, is a bit of a draw imo. If the switch lite gets hacked it gets a bit more interesting since thats a far more useful portable light machine.
I'd expect before end of life to see a software only hack, its kinda surprising it hasn't happened yet.
I hacked my v1 switch, it was fun and cool but ultimately I'd rather use online features of the games I do like to play - Smash, Fire Emblem, Pokemons, etc - than run pirated copies of games and never be able to go online or use my own nintendo network ID. I ended up trading in the v1 hacked switch (after resetting) and buying a v2, because the v2 has better battery life. Like almost 50% better.