Deku Deals - Nintendo Switch price tracking and wishlist notifications (deku not duku)
Every now and then I get the hankering for a decent jrpg or similar. Any recommendations for those on Switch (I usually like to play those on a handheld vs. PC)? Was Octopath alright? Also, are the Baldur's Gate remasters any good? Was told I should play those at some point and am definitely interested in playing 3 since I enjoyed D:OS2. Is MHG:U any good as a solo game? I tried playing one MH game once on the DS, but the controls on there turned me off of it, not sure if it's better on a Switch. Any decent titles in general I should give a shot?
Not officially.Can anyone confirm whether or not chrono trigger is for sale/playable on the switch?
I know old Switches can be hacked but not sure about current revisions. Consider browsing /r/SwitchPirates or /r/SwitchHaxing.Or if its moddable to install something like snesx and play it that way (along with the other snes goodies), as the online service list of 30ish games was extremely hit and miss.
I keep telling myself I’ll try it if it goes on sale, but then I remember that Pokémon games never go on sale, so. Bought the Switch for the sole purpose of playing next gen Pokémon, so the thing’s just collecting dust now.
Not surprising that a year after release Nintendo sells Pokemon + plus DLC for $90