Already sold out.OLED White is on the treasure truck today
feel free to repost in smt thread i have no idea where it is
wonder how it'll run on pc emulator
Nintendo games basically never go on deep discount, but you can probably look for them to be $40, or buy 2 get 1 free.Weeb Shit aside, I did enjoy Persona 3/4/5.
What are the odds Octopath Traveler and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 will get Black Friday markdowns? They've been sitting at $60 forever. I want both for my game pile, but considering I probably won't play either for at least a few months, paying full price seems pretty dumb. However, I expect both to go up in price if they haven't already. So I'm on the lookout for a markdown just to get them before that happens. If I could get both on a B1G1F sale that'd be incredible. I'd also like Nier Replicant and Automata, but considering they're PS4 games, they aren't going anywhere or going up in price. Octopath and Xeno 2 almost definitely will.
Weeb Shit aside, I did enjoy Persona 3/4/5.
What are the odds Octopath Traveler and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 will get Black Friday markdowns? They've been sitting at $60 forever. I want both for my game pile, but considering I probably won't play either for at least a few months, paying full price seems pretty dumb. However, I expect both to go up in price if they haven't already. So I'm on the lookout for a markdown just to get them before that happens. If I could get both on a B1G1F sale that'd be incredible. I'd also like Nier Replicant and Automata, but considering they're PS4 games, they aren't going anywhere or going up in price. Octopath and Xeno 2 almost definitely will.
Hard to say about octopath but XC2 has been pretty hard to get a physical copy of. It's slightly older now so there aren't to many copies left I'd bet.
Nintendo games basically never go on deep discount, but you can probably look for them to be $40, or buy 2 get 1 free.
XC2 you literally had to wait years before it had a decent Black Friday sale, think 2019 was the first time it did. But they discounted the whole batch including DLC and Torna at sale price too so keep an eye out this month.
These days you have less than 24 hours to notice when Walmart puts physical games on clearance, like XC Definitive Edition, before scalpers clean out the whole state.
XC2 physical will likely be impossible to find now (for less than $60 anyway) as others mentioned. Digital did go on sale for $40 at all the major retailers and eShop as well last Black Friday, so that's your best bet.
Octopath Traveler has been on sale from eShop as low as $30, and that's the absolute max anyone should ever pay for it imo. Physical has only ever hit $40, but could go lower this year since it's not a first party game and it's getting pretty old. It really isn't a good game though and you're not missing out on much by skipping it entirely.
P.S. Deku Deals ... set up a wishlist and they'll notify you when things finally go on sale.
If you're starting over now that you've bought it, you should definitely pick Cyrus as your main character. It's a very long time before you get full control over your party, and if there's one character you'll want to be stuck with the whole time, it's him.It seems like people either love or hate Octopath and I've been seeing more negative opinions on it than positive. I played quite a bit (2-3 hrs) of the hot chick's storyline on a rental and I liked it, mainly because the visuals are stunning. I want to see more retro 2D games get remade with those 2D-HD visuals.
If you're starting over now that you've bought it, you should definitely pick Cyrus as your main character. It's a very long time before you get full control over your party, and if there's one character you'll want to be stuck with the whole time, it's him.