Got a xmas bonus I'd forgotten about just as I saw these on slickdeals. Figured why not, I haven't had a Nintendo system since the N64. I bought the new Zelda, Mario Odyssey, Mario Kart 8, and MC Dungeons(have fun with it on xbox, and I think I'd like to have it mobile). What are some must have recommendations, for someone who hasn't touched a Nintendo in ages?
If you haven’t played Super Mario Galaxy then the remake of it + the other two games with it is good if you can catch it on sale.Got a xmas bonus I'd forgotten about just as I saw these on slickdeals. Figured why not, I haven't had a Nintendo system since the N64. I bought the new Zelda, Mario Odyssey, Mario Kart 8, and MC Dungeons(have fun with it on xbox, and I think I'd like to have it mobile). What are some must have recommendations, for someone who hasn't touched a Nintendo in ages?
Grab metroid dreadGot a xmas bonus I'd forgotten about just as I saw these on slickdeals. Figured why not, I haven't had a Nintendo system since the N64. I bought the new Zelda, Mario Odyssey, Mario Kart 8, and MC Dungeons(have fun with it on xbox, and I think I'd like to have it mobile). What are some must have recommendations, for someone who hasn't touched a Nintendo in ages?
If you haven’t played Super Mario Galaxy then the remake of it + the other two games with it is good if you can catch it on sale.
I’m considering a few games I’d normally get on steam on it.
we played stripped Tetris connect vs last night. Fun stuff for with the wife.
eShop region should be linked to the account, not the hardware.
Yep. We have to do something at night once the kids are asleep. We used to do this with dr Mario too. Or we’d do best of 5, she gets a 30 minute massage or I get to fuck her ass. Put some actual stakes on it.Just be aware that the Mario 3D 3-pack doesn't add anything or remake anything really. It's the same 3 games. Galaxy is very very good and probably worth it alone. Sukik hasn't had a Nintendo system since N64 so chances are Galaxy and Sunshine will be completely new to him. Maybe do a 3D Mario crusade with 64, Sunshine, Galaxy, 3D World, Odyssey? That'd be a pretty fun time. Unfortunately Galaxy 2 is missing (for now) on the Switch because Nintendo was lazy with that 3D all-stars pack. Maybe there'll be a second one with Galaxy 2 and 3D Land. Yeah, probably not.
I've got Tetris Effect (and Mario Kart) specifically for playing with women, because those are the only two games I've ever really gotten women to play. Well, they usually also like Pokemon to an extent, or at least the idea of Pokemon. But really if you're trying to co-op something with a chick, it's Tetris and Mario Kart all the way.
Wait, strip Tetris? As in remove an article of clothing if you lose? What a great idea, I'm saving that idea for the next time I have a GF. Strip anything usually ends in bonin' which I assume is the point. I hope aforementioned next GF loves Tetris (and is good at it) because it's had a resurgence with me with Tetris Effect lately. I could play the hell out of TE if I had nothing else going on.
If you like platformers, and don't have them on other consoles/PC, Dead Cells / Hollow Knight / Hades are pretty amazing to pickup/put down whenever.Got a xmas bonus I'd forgotten about just as I saw these on slickdeals. Figured why not, I haven't had a Nintendo system since the N64. I bought the new Zelda, Mario Odyssey, Mario Kart 8, and MC Dungeons(have fun with it on xbox, and I think I'd like to have it mobile). What are some must have recommendations, for someone who hasn't touched a Nintendo in ages?