Nioh (Team Ninja)


Blackwing Lair Raider
I am so pumped for this game, but since I have only mobile internet at home AND will be away on a bang marathon weekend with the wife, I will miss out on this.


Trakanon Raider
I don't like the impression that you can hold block and be pretty safe at all times. Looks pretty Assassin's Creedy. Have pre-downloaded demo and will try for myself but that video didn't do it any favors.

Unless they dramatically altered the difficulty from the alpha demo, you will die more in this game than Dark Souls


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Yeah, you can't block and be safe, don't worry. It's pretty rough.


Trakanon Raider
Demo working now, played for about 40 minutes (did both tutorials first).

Died a few times in the first ... 200 yards?

More difficult than Dark Souls for sure, and while the video does make it appear that you can just dodge and block everything, all it does is make me feel bad because I sure don't pull it off. Even against the first trash mobs. Summoned a level 1 revenant right next to the first shrine, got promptly owned.

Love it.


Trakanon Raider
Dark Souls always struck a good balance of difficult but fair to me. Nioh seems a little too harsh...and a few of my deaths felt plain old cheap.


Trump's Staff
Lots of dark souls deaths have felt cheap until you git gud. Especially with the terrible hit tracking there has been in the past.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
This demo seems to play better mechanically than the previous one. May just be making things up. Has me excited for the release though.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
definitely plays better imo. Last time I thought it suffered from some sort of input lag, but seemed way better this time. Maybe I'm just remembering wrong.


Trakanon Raider
Lots of dark souls deaths have felt cheap until you git gud. Especially with the terrible hit tracking there has been in the past.

My second attempt today went better. Beat the first level. Still seems a bit too unforgiving at times.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I don't think it is unforgiving so much as it is marrying the brutal learning curve with the more arcade feel of Ninja Gaiden. It feels good to move faster and everything but every action still has to be as deliberate as it was in Dark Souls. Or hell even Gaiden for Xbox on whatever difficulty that was. Demo isn't the whole game obviously but so far it feels like a good and faithful joining of the systems.


Trump's Staff
I just beat the first mission after playing the game for like 90 minutes and it is like 95% Dark Souls, set in samurai era. I don't think it's more difficult, just faster than DS like Bloodborne was. The whole time I played I was thinking it felt like Tenchu had sex with Bloodborne and this was the baby.

The amount of control/customization it looks like you have over your skills and moveset are pretty spectacular though

I did think a little too many items dropped. Getting like 2-3 pieces of armor from a single enemy seemed like a bit much, but maybe it was tuned that way just for the demo. I assume not though, since you can offer items at shrines for exp/items and it's pretty quick. Inventory management might become annoying quickly.

Yeah, you can't block and be safe, don't worry. It's pretty rough.

You pretty much can. Blocking just depletes ki (stamina). Outside of ranged or grab-style attacks I could block everything I tried to block regardless of weapon.

Also, strafe/dodge left in close proximity around the first boss FTW. Classic Souls.
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Trakanon Raider
I did think a little too many items dropped. Getting like 2-3 pieces of armor from a single enemy seemed like a bit much, but maybe it was tuned that way just for the demo. I assume not though, since you can offer items at shrines for exp/items and it's pretty quick. Inventory management might become annoying quickly.

Pretty sure the loot drop will be the same in release, since the drop rate was the same in the alpha. The other video from the guys who did the 7 tips one said that loot drops constantly (using the preview build of the game), and after a while, upgrades become rare. Seems the drop system is more akin to Diablo. You can vendor at shrines for exp/items, but the blacksmith can also vendor items for gold, transmog items to look like other items, combine them for upgraded versions as well as combine for new stat bonuses.

EDIT: Gave up on the duel after the first mission, did the harder version of the first, and now that boss is destroying me. Guess I need to git good and not get hit since two swipes does 1800ish dmg. I only have 1350 hp at level 29.
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Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Hey, do tell. Not sure I'll be getting past him. Didn't have a lot of time today to try but got my ass handed to me the few times I did.


Trakanon Raider
Hey, do tell. Not sure I'll be getting past him. Didn't have a lot of time today to try but got my ass handed to me the few times I did.

There is a big rock in the duel area that you can kite him around. Gives you a ton more room for error.