No better shows have ever existed than Seinfeld or X-files.


Ssraeszha Raider
If you have to use the "Well of course it was shitty! What did you expect?" line, you can't then give it an A+. AVP was a pure abortion and no.ain't of cognitive dissonance will ever change that


Millie's Staff Member
It depends on what version you have seen. I saw the unrated avp and while it was stupid, it was still entertaining. I understand the theatrical version was a pos though.


<Bronze Donator>
Honestly I think Seinfeld picks up right as George figures out he's playing Larry David and not Woody Allen.


Musty Nester
If you have to use the "Well of course it was shitty! What did you expect?" line, you can't then give it an A+. AVP was a pure abortion and no.ain't of cognitive dissonance will ever change that
I'm not gonna claim that it was either the best aliens movie or the best predator movie. It wasn't that by any stretch. All it was was a fill in summer blow shit up movie. That's really all it was and all it pretended to be. I expected it to be absolutely retarded when I watched it, and it was, but it was a sufficiently high quality of retarded.

Was it as good as Dredd? God no. The scoring is just different for a monster movie. Compare AVP to something like Frankenstein or King Kong or Godzilla. Don't compare it to something good! You'll hate it if you do that. Don't compare it to Alien, Aliens, or Predator. If you just compare it to a brainless monster movie, you'll enjoy it. I never meant to imply it's some cinematic masterpiece.

That's where it differs from Prometheus. With AVP we knew exactly what it was, it didn't have any pretense of seriousness. I think the tagline was, "No matter who wins, humanity loses". Prometheus was billed as a much more serious endeavor. We all expected that he was going to round out the trilogy of Horror / Action / x with a drama. I don't know what Prometheus was, but it wasn't a serious drama.

Edit: Well, maybe we didn't all expect that. I expected that, or a really dark comedy.


Karazhan Raider
in terms of some of the shows mentioned, Seinfeld is a classic. Hands down. Curb is good stuff, but I prefer Seinfeld.

X-Files solidified the "story arc tv show" concept that pretty much every show has followed since. the arc episode/stand-alone/stand-alone/arc episode format. There wouldn't be your Buffys, Angel, Lost, Smallville, etc. if the X-Files hadn't blown up around seasons 2-3-4

Firefly is definitely among the best. Possibly THE best fourteen episodes of network TV. ever.

and no love for dollhouse? echo? fine fine Whiskey?


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I have been a huge fan of the X files since day one. It's well done Sci-Fi. One of my all time favorite shows though towards the end it turned to crap. Seinfeld I didn't care for when it was originally on but i was a lot younger then. I went back to the show a few years ago and I think its hilarious now.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
Prometheus was a serious drama and it delivered on all fronts.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
If you have to use the "Well of course it was shitty! What did you expect?" line, you can't then give it an A+. AVP was a pure abortion and no.ain't of cognitive dissonance will ever change that
Nobody saying it was shitty. Everyone is saying it was great for its genre.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
Dredd, while not a bad movie, has none of the grandeur and imagination of AVP. When I saw Dredd, I realized I've seen this movie at least twice before. Once when it was called The Raid, and the other time was when it was called Die Hard.

But there is nothing like AVP, setting wise, monster wise, imagination wise. All you have to do is watch the flashback scene in AVP where Yautja are playing king of the hill with hordes of aliens to realize how awesome and original AVP is.


<Prior Amod>
Araysar, please take your awful movie love to the right subforum and threads please. I know you get off by trolling with that awful excuse for a movie but enough is enough.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
Hey, I wasnt the one who brought it up.