That's a retarded retcon. There is plenty of cool stuff in the EU, but it's all over the place in quality and emphasis. The technology doesn't even have the same properties from one author to another.
An extra reason this is a retarded retcon.
Knights of the Old Republic was released in 2003.
Revan going beyond the Galactic rim after fighting the war with Mandalorians, finds a threat to the Republic he/she knows they can not win. Goes Dark in a desperate attempt to find a way to bolster the Republics forces. This involves making use of Ancient Sith technology to build a fleet of warships, as well as attacking, taking over and restructuring the Jedi, and Republic into forces that can oppose the un-named threat.
(should be noted at this point, this threat was often theorized to be the Vong. Although, I don't think Drew has commented publicly.)
Outbound flight was published 2005.
It's just a rehash of Knights of the Old republic with Palpatine in the role of Revan.
SW:The Old Republic of course retcons Kotor1 and 2, establishing the inexplicably non-threatening Sith Emperor, and Empire.