[NO Spoilers] Star Wars: Episode 7 - NO PUSSY SHIT


Golden Squire
"Good" EU is all pretty much all located within the same time periods, either around the Clone Wars (Shatterpoint, Republic Comics, Republic Commandos, Clone Wars show), all the way back to KOTOR times, or Empire Strikes Back plus about 7 years (Thrawn, X-Wing, Shadow of the Empire, Dark Empire). If they wiped out all the rest it would be a big plus.


That guy
"The original drafts of Return of the Jedi called for the second Death Star to be built in orbit around Kashyyyk by Wookiee slave labor. It wasn't until later drafts that the setting and characters were changed to the forest moon of Endor and Ewoks."

Thats from the wiki... now how far along the concept of Kashyyyk was in the script before George was done wiping his ass with it one will never know.
Makes sense... both completely forest covered worlds inhabited by hairy humanoids (of vastly different stature).





Mr. Poopybutthole
I've decided, after watching Star Wars 1 and 2 on Blu Ray, that I want to see a movie starring Master Yoda, in his younger ass-kicking days.
I can't be the only Star Wars fan that thought watching Yoda kick ass was actually really fucking retarded. Part of the allure of his character originally was the fact that he was an old and wise sage. Not some fucking ninja frog.


I can't be the only Star Wars fan that thought watching Yoda kick ass was actually really fucking retarded. Part of the allure of his character originally was the fact that he was an old and wise sage. Not some fucking ninja frog.
It would seem counter-productive to make him the leader of the Jedi and he can't defend himself/kick some ass. That's essentially making him the leader of an army and he doesn't know how to fire a gun.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm fine with him being a badass. I'm not fine with him looking like a gummy bear with downs syndrome in the second movie. I thought he was fine in movie 3.
It would seem counter-productive to make him the leader of the Jedi and he can't defend himself/kick some ass. That's essentially making him the leader of an army and he doesn't know how to fire a gun.
Except the fact that he IS the leader of the Jedi already alludes to the fact that he was once a bad ass. The bottom line is it didn't fit with what Yoda was already established as in 4-6.

Luke was what, 19 or 20ish if I recall in A New Hope? You mean to tell me that Yoda goes from agile DBZ warrior fighting machine to slightly crazy basically useless (not an insult, because he was still badass) mentor in 19 years? He was 900 when he died as he stated to Luke when he died. He was already a senior citizen during episodes 1-3. His fighting was fucking stupid and had no business even happening.


I always thought of Yoda as being so strong with the force that his lightsaber would be more of an ornament piece than something used for combat. Back when Empire Strikes Back was out and Yoda was lifting X-Wings, I imagined the dude could probably grab 50 blasters out of people's holsters with telepathy and have them pointed at their faces before they could do anything when he was in his prime. I forget which Knights of the Old Republic game it was but they had a Darth that used the force to control 4 lightsabers at once and all I could think of was why Yoda wasn't doing something similar instead of being a jackrabbit on crack.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Yup. What he did with Yoda in 2 and 3 was a very poor choice, and anyone who likes the Star Wars mythos would probably agree. Yet another decision based on OMG THAT WOULD BE COOL and not good storytelling. I can't find the video cause google is just giving me recent Disney merger links, but there's a video of him and one of his top producer guys for 1-3 talking on a couch, and Lucas is like LOL AND THEN HE'LL FLIP AROUND AND BE LIKE PEWPEW and the other dude is just like "oohhhhhhh shit, what have I done..."

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
What gets me is it's like they ran out of ideas for what jedi could do, especially light side jedi. In the OT they can lift/manipulate things telekinetically, use the jedi mind trick (which is useless against other jedi, apparently), jump high (Luke in the carbonite room), and that's about it. Dark side guys can do that stuff, (force choke is basically telekinesis with an evil purpose) plus shoot lightning bolts. In the prequels they added force speed, but only used it in ep 1 iirc. Oh and I guess Yoda absorbed Dooku's lightning in ep 2. Not sure if that counts as a new ability, since apparently he forgot how when he came up against Palp in ep 3.

Granted, they apparently have other abilities, like limited prescience, but these are explored only a little ("it's why he appears to have such quick reflexes" during ep 1, or Palp "foreseeing" everything happening in RoTJ other than his own death).

There must be some more powers they could give Jedi without being too "wizardly" about it. Even the Star Wars video games are kind of lacking when it comes to new abilities that jedi might have, and they have way more leeway to do new stuff. Most of the force abilities in the games I've played involve buffs of some sort, or new lightsaber styles, or some variation on abilities we've already seen. None of which lend themselves well to a movie environment where we need to SEE what's going on.

So, since they had no ideas for a master light side jedi like Yoda could do other than telekinesis, they were forced (heh) to go to lightsaber combat for him, which didn't come out right at all.

Personally, I'd have had him using a lightsaber with the force, while he just stood there directing it with a condescending look on his face. But if that doesn't work for whatever reason, just have him be WAY more powerful than other jedi with telekinesis, like he could have entombed Dooku with rock from the walls in like a second, leaving him to try to escape by burning his way out maybe, I don't know. Or maybe he could create illusions of himself for Dooku to go after, anything but flipping around like he did, jeez.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I always assumed from the original trilogy that they were still using the force in lightsaber combat but just used it only to augment their defense. Like they could use it to augment the quickness and strength of their parries but any blows struck forward offensively were using just their own strength/agility. It would have been cool if Yoda had dueled and embodied that kind of Light Side and just shut down Dooku and Palpatine so hard defensively that they just realize they have no choice but to ignore attacking him directly and work around it in other ways instead of the frontal assault standoff. But yeah, that shit was stupid.


For a group of powerful beings that can see things before they happen, Jedi sure do lead with their jaws a lot.


Dark side guys can do that stuff, (force choke is basically telekinesis with an evil purpose) plus shoot lightning bolts.
If you remember in Return of the Jedi, Luke uses Force Choke on the two Gamorreans in Jabba's palace..so luke is of the new school of there are no light/dark powers there is only the way you use them.

GL had a whole set of books to dive into for material on what he wanted jedi to do in the prequals. There is so much new stuff that has been brought out, like force walking (a form of living out the past). The prequals were just sloppy and unimaginative.

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
If you remember in Return of the Jedi, Luke uses Force Choke on the two Gamorreans in Jabba's palace..so luke is of the new school of there are no light/dark powers there is only the way you use them.

GL had a whole set of books to dive into for material on what he wanted jedi to do in the prequals. There is so much new stuff that has been brought out, like force walking (a form of living out the past). The prequals were just sloppy and unimaginative.
Interesting. Were any of these new powers combat related? Got a link to this info?


That guy
If you remember in Return of the Jedi, Luke uses Force Choke on the two Gamorreans in Jabba's palace..so luke is of the new school of there are no light/dark powers there is only the way you use them.

GL had a whole set of books to dive into for material on what he wanted jedi to do in the prequals. There is so much new stuff that has been brought out, like force walking (a form of living out the past). The prequals were just sloppy and unimaginative.
That was one of the cool things about Luke in the EU, he wasn't truly light or dark side. Always pulled from the best of both worlds but never went off the deep end... well usually.