Given the "Bond is a codename" fan theory and confusing timelines, I really don't mind this.
It would make a HUGE pop culture impact. If Craig dies at the end you have an Infinity War style twist which is almost unheard of in cinema but was proven to work if done well, they would then have insane hype for the next movie which would explain how there are multiple Bonds (weird British Secret Service programming?). They could even get Connery out of retirement which is making me really excited just typing it, maybe he was such a great agent he started a programme to recreate his upbringing and life experiences to create similar agents. Like the plot of Metal Gear Solid 2, though that did get fan backlash for replacing the beloved hero.
You are right though, they would find a way to fuck it up. I will point out that recently the first movie for each actor has been excellent (Goldeneye/Casino Royale), though both of those are pre SJW cuckery.