Where's Araysar.
To cut a very, very long story short, a waifu is a fictional character you would like to claim as your wife. This can be mild, or it can get a littleextremeorcreepy.(parody but it gets the point across)
This has led to regular waifu wars in places like Reddit, as well as competitions in various media for the position of "best girl" - from picking your favourite girl from a show, all the way to "best girl" competitions with thousands of votes.
Basically, Noodlebro, is we're waiting for you to pick your waifu. Don't let us down now.

To cut a very, very long story short, a waifu is a fictional character you would like to claim as your wife. This can be mild, or it can get a littleextremeorcreepy.(parody but it gets the point across)
This has led to regular waifu wars in places like Reddit, as well as competitions in various media for the position of "best girl" - from picking your favourite girl from a show, all the way to "best girl" competitions with thousands of votes.
Basically, Noodlebro, is we're waiting for you to pick your waifu. Don't let us down now.