Yeah, I'd agree. Get Out is his most complete movie although it leaves a lot to be desired. He's got a kind of Stephen King thing going on where he has decent premises but has no idea how to flesh them out into a complete story or end them properly. He also generally gets too far up his own ass with over complicating his story to be able to fall back on horror's ability to push the viewer way beyond their normal suspension of disbelief. In Us he opened the movie by violating "show don't tell", made a decent slasher movie then went giant exposition dump in the third act and turned it into a turd through pacing and by having none of his exposition being relevant towards closing out a horror movie (too much useless information that just served to overcomplicate things).
All of his movie making sins seem to be relatively modern also so it's not like he's a classic horror aficionado trying to revert things back to the old days. He seems like he watched the recent spate of horror remakes that thought we needed to delve into every tiny detail of Leatherface's or Michael Meyers's or whoever's backstory and thought that is what makes good storytelling.
He's a really bad writer and director and I have no clue how he turned into a horror darling beyond him being a rich black kid from an upper class suburb.