North Korean Hackers Attack On Sony


Bronze Baron of the Realm
FBI briefed on alternate Sony hack theory - Tal Kopan - POLITICO

FBI agents investigating the Sony Pictures hack were briefed Monday by a security firm that says its research points to laid-off Sony staff, not North Korea, as the perpetrator - another example of the continuing whodunit blame game around the devastating attack.

Even the unprecedented decision to release details of an ongoing FBI investigation and President Barack Obama publicly blaming the hermit authoritarian regime hasn't quieted a chorus of well-qualified skeptics who say the evidence just doesn't add up.
Besides the actual hack what other charges could we dream up for them since they caused an international incident if more investigation points their way.

I really no clue, but the one thing that seemed "odd" to me was the release of shit like emails about how much people made and such. Seemed like a stretch for a country to give a shit, but who knows with NK.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I'd bet down at the NSA there's probably a lot of snickering and joking going around "Make sure we never contract those guys"

edit: Sony hired Mandiant, not Norse btw

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
FBI briefed on alternate Sony hack theory - Tal Kopan - POLITICO

Besides the actual hack what other charges could we dream up for them since they caused an international incident if more investigation points their way.

I really no clue, but the one thing that seemed "odd" to me was the release of shit like emails about how much people made and such. Seemed like a stretch for a country to give a shit, but who knows with NK.
idk about all that, theyve done a hell of a lot more serious shit in the past so this would just be par for the course in terms of erratic/stupid behavior;

ROKS Cheonan sinking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Axe murder incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
North Korean abductions of Japanese citizens - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
North Korean abductions of South Koreans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
First Battle of Yeonpyeong - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Second Battle of Yeonpyeong - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bombardment of Yeonpyeong - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2006 North Korean nuclear test - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The advent of the internet is just another avenue for them to act like little shits and for the rest of the world to stand around like fucking retards and do nothing.


Avatar of War Slayer
I kindof expect the FBI to be more on the ball with things. they still seem competent? FBI says its NK, I trust them. Not some random security firm. Would hate to see that trust lost as well. ha.
Though, FBI, I'm sure they will listen to anyone.

And yeah, man if it was domestic, etc. holy shit is that person in deep shit.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
The Sony attack has been compared toShamoon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia(which apparently was enough to warrant adding to the article already). The implication being that the "Cutting Sword of Justice" group that hit Saudi Aramco in 2012 was also North Korea and this isn't the first cyber attack on a company they've done. The name is just as corny at least.

Anything that Mandiant or the FBI puts out which doesn't support Norse's conclusion makes them look like idiots. No idea why they would set themselves up for a double shot in the foot if they don't have ironclad evidence against specific individuals or groups. That's the quickest way to send their reputation up in smoke unless they're dead accurate.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
In Response to Sony Attack, U.S. Levies Sanctions on 10 North Koreans

Log In - The New York Times

I read the oddest deal yesterday about a guy/group releasing 100,000 DVD's via ballons to float and come down over NK. I'm wondering how many North Koreans will have a DVD plaer, TV etc.. or even know what a DVD is. Seemed really odd to send them to NK.

Edit - found the story, I guess he wants to use USB sticks as well.

The Interview DVD smuggled to North Korea by giant balloon - Channel 4 News

The US-based non-profit Human Rights Foundation reportedly financed the production of the DVDs and purchase of the USB memory sticks.
Brilliant plan, let's send 100,000 dvds and memory sticks to a country that nobody has electricity.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
In Response to Sony Attack, U.S. Levies Sanctions on 10 North Koreans

Log In - The New York Times

I read the oddest deal yesterday about a guy/group releasing 100,000 DVD's via ballons to float and come down over NK. I'm wonder how many North Koreans will have a DVD plaer, TV etc.. or even know what a DVD is. Seemed really odd to send them to NK.

Edit - found the story, I guess he wants to use USB sticks as well.

The Interview DVD smuggled to North Korea by giant balloon - Channel 4 News

Brilliant plan, let's send 100,000 dvds and memory sticks to a country that nobody has electricity.
While it's probably useless to send it to villagers out in the boondocks, there are still plenty of North Koreans living in cities with electricity (probably unreliable and sporadic, but still...) and other semi-modern conveniences. Lots of defectors talk about the stuff they watched on TV in North Korea, for example (and there is a whole department of the government whose job it is to filter/propagandize what gets shown on the national network). So I don't think it's all farmers living in dirt huts throughout the country. I also read somewhere that referenced the kinds of cell phones North Koreans use (which are locked down or something), so they must have at least a certain level of technology.

*Edit* Not to mention the guy who organized this is a defector, so I have to assume he knows better than most exactly what kind of ability North Koreans will have to watch the movie if its successfully delivered.


Millie's Staff Member
In Response to Sony Attack, U.S. Levies Sanctions on 10 North Koreans

Log In - The New York Times

I read the oddest deal yesterday about a guy/group releasing 100,000 DVD's via ballons to float and come down over NK. I'm wondering how many North Koreans will have a DVD plaer, TV etc.. or even know what a DVD is. Seemed really odd to send them to NK.

Edit - found the story, I guess he wants to use USB sticks as well.

The Interview DVD smuggled to North Korea by giant balloon - Channel 4 News

Brilliant plan, let's send 100,000 dvds and memory sticks to a country that nobody has electricity.
there is a documentary out, maybe its a vice or bbc doc. its all about people sending balloons of stuff over to North Korea. there is a huge black market over there. they get western movies which they watch in secret. people are even sending american money by balloon from SK. memory sticks are all the rage because more people own computers than dvd players. i can guarantee you NK had copies of The Interview circulated around almost as soon as it was available to everyone else.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I guess. It just seems that the ratio of someone finding it that can use it seems low. I don't know tho, never been to NK.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I always thought North Korea's biggest export was reports on human rights abuses. So not that sure what sanctions are going to do.


Buzzfeed Editor
I kindof expect the FBI to be more on the ball with things. they still seem competent? FBI says its NK, I trust them. Not some random security firm. Would hate to see that trust lost as well. ha.
Though, FBI, I'm sure they will listen to anyone.

And yeah, man if it was domestic, etc. holy shit is that person in deep shit.
Norse is not just some random security firm. However, the media is mischaracterizing what their report said. It didn't say "it wasn't NK", it said "we confirmed these individuals were involved." Big difference in those statements.


what Suineg set it to
I mean did anyone think NK really just straight up found a zero-day and used it on Sony instead of something involving US military or financial sectors? I'd be honestly surprised if itwasn'tjust some credentials for $$ thing that NK paid for.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
They didn't need a zero-day anything. Their network was completely open and all their shit was stored in plaintext.

It's Sony Pictures. That's Hollywood. It's a bunch of rich kids who went to drama school. You think they know how2computer?