This thread"s moving fast, heh.
In any case, a couple of things:
War and Peace? My post was what, three paragraphs? I guess I"m just wordy. This one"s going to be even longer probably, so feel free to tl;dr if you"d like.
Anyway, I"ll grant that there may"ve been abuses of mod power that I didn"t catch; but what Ididsee were a lot of threads where Millie would be mentioned tangentially to a thread"s topic, or simply post, and the thread filled up with LOL UR A DUDE posts and was irretrievably derailed.
And really, whether it was just or not, if you knew it was something that"d get you banned, and you posted about it anyway, I can"t find much sympathy in my heart for you when those consequences actually showed up. It"s like putting your hand in a tiger cage and getting pissed off at the tiger when it bites your hand off; you knew the likely consequences of your actions, and you did it anyway.
As far as Millie"s increased involvement coming at around the same time as the retardation in Screenshots ramped up, I"d argue that it was a consequence of that happening, not a cause of it; when it was clear that the person who"d traditionally been responsible for keeping that portion of the userbase in line had gotten too friendly with the inmates and wasn"t doing their job anymore, someone had to step up. From my perspective, Millie did that, and I"d argue that these forums would be a very different place if that process had been allowed to go on unchecked.
And regarding this place "not being EJ", I"d argue that EJ turned into what it is as a result of people realizing that serious MMO strategy discussion (I hesitate to use the word "theorycrafting" but use that term if you like) was no longer as welcome here as it had been at one time, and migrating there.
I"m no longer much of an MMO player, and I"m willing to grant that maybe this place has just evolved past me into something different than it used to be; but all things being equal, I"d say this place is a lot closer these days to 4chan on the 4chan<--------->EJ spectrum than it used to be, particularly after the addition of the reputation system (not to harp on that anymore, it is what it is and it"s here to stay whether people like it or not), and I always thought that Millie seemed to be trying to hold that tide back, oftentimes pretty much singlehandedly.
I appreciated that effort, even if not a lot of other people did; maybe if I"d seen some of these massive abuses of mod power that I apparently missed entirely, my attitude would be different, but pretty much everyone I ever saw get banned, there was a clearly identifiable reason why.