You forgot to sign your real name, by the way.
At any rate, look, I"m not a heartless person. I have been giving a lot of people second chances recently, and I see no exception in you. So I"ve given this "Horse" account posting access, and you"re free to use it as you see fit.
The issue I take with all the "mangina" crap that comes my way every now and then is not so much what people believe or care to believe about me. I mean, hell, that sort of speculation and taunting comes up almost every other month around here. But yours happened to be particularly badly timed, having come on the heels of the whole Brittney/Coffee/Potam fiasco. Now, I don"t particularly care what people think about who or what I am. But in that instance, the folks in question took it upon themselves to dredge up my deceased ex-boyfriend and plaster his image all over the Internet. I don"t tolerate crap like that. Take whatever shots you want at me, but have some respect for those who are no longer with us. Brittney knew better, and he still knows better, and his actions are inexcusable. So whenever someone -- yourself included -- made a "mangina" comment in the broader context of what was going on over there, it was particularly hurtful and annoying.
Now, obviously I can"t be mad at you for things someone else has done. But please understand that context means quite a lot, and I"m sure even you will admit that whatever you did to earn a ban back then (I don"t remember specifics) probably was intended to rub salt in the wounds opened by that incident. Inasmuch as it coincided, or was intended to capitalize upon, that incident, it was worthy of the ban in my opinion.
So that"s my spiel. Take it for what you will. Like I said, I believe in forgiveness and second chances, and your account is now activated. Just please try to be cool while you"re here. It"s all I, or anyone who posts here, asks of you. Be cool, and we won"t have problems. Be cool, and we"ll be on friendly terms.