Swap it out. Life is too short to be living with undercooked BIOSes.Kinda wishing I had bought an Asus board instead of a Gigabyte though.
New BIOS vs old BIOS, same settings:Swap it out. Life is too short to be living with undercooked BIOSes.
It's out of stock now, but MSRP on the 12700k is like $400, and the 11700k is still going for $350. So if the 12700k was listed at 337.49 that's a good priceStill shows a ton in stock. Basically crazy scalper prices but I guess it's a good sign of greater supply?
Sadly gone already, traffic was horrible to micro center so i gambled itd last until Saturday. Was hoping to get them to prove match on top of this $50 new customer coupon.Amazon product ASIN B09FXNVDBJ
lol $337.49 whaaaaat.
Nvidia could spend $10 billion to secure RTX 4000 components
Reports suggest that Nvidia is set to spend at least $10 billion securing 5nm chips for its next-gen GeForce RTX 4000 series graphics cardswww.pcgamesn.com
4000 series to launch end of 2022, hope springs eternal
my CPU is now 7 years old, this is the longest i have gone without upgrading my PC. It still runs Lost Ark just fine though lol I wish there was a must play game that was PC only, Elden Ring is cool but I'd still rather play it on my ps5
CPU Cycles Matter.So i've decided my 7 year old PC needs an upgrade. I was looking at adding an RTX 3070 but I only have PCI 3.0 slots on my MB. Should I be looking at a completely new build at this point or can the new PCI 4.0 cards work with what I have?
Ok, i'm good with that. I've built my last couple PCs but was leaning to pre built/custom one this time. Any recommendations on good prebuilt brands? I've also heard it may be easier to get the RTX cards this way vs sourcing one myself. I'm in Canada as well which just makes everything more of a pain in the ass.
I'd stay as far away from newegg as possible.ibuypower or cyberpower (generally cheaper) if you want to customize your ride. Newegg and best buy have various prebuilts as well, I'm not really a fan of the Omens tho but take what you can get. Maybe Asus is better? It's definitely easier to get a card this way.