Woulda been useful to have a crawl!lmao at end of Ep 1 I was thinking "so no interplanetary transports have security scanners, and dude just comes out of full hermit life with his saber dangling from his waist, in a town which just saw a jedi strung up" lol
The heavy amount of exposition in opening inquisitors scene was lame writing
Casting Flea a mistake?!?! NO!!! Not casting Flea was the mistake.....LEbowskiei'm not huge into music but was that fucking Flea from Red Hot Chili Peppers? The bounty hunter chase stuff was bad both episodes but oh well. Casting Flea was dumb.
also Rose Esther McGregor, Ewan's daughter played the girl with the pink hair
and lastly surprise cameo I didn't pick it up but apparently 8m55s into episode 2
Its missing a lot of the acting credits atm. I was looking for someone else on there a minute ago. Flea looks more like a guy Han should run into in a cantina some where not someone working for the Sith.IMDB doesn't have him listed as being in this, btw.
deb chow directed a chili peppers music video, so most likely yesi'm not huge into music but was that fucking Flea from Red Hot Chili Peppers? The bounty hunter chase stuff was bad both episodes but oh well. Casting Flea was dumb.
also Rose Esther McGregor, Ewan's daughter played the girl with the pink hair
and lastly surprise cameo I didn't pick it up but apparently 8m55s into episode 2
She got away the same way you do when you're small in a game, she went under and through, instead of around the stalls. Big people always bumping into shit. I dont know how she got away in the alleys, but he is old and washed, lungs full of sand, since it gets every where.My only gripe so far, is Young Leia is apparently Usain bolt. Outrunning multiple bounty hunters + obi wan. Like if you cant outrun a 10 year old girl with 8" legs maybe figure out your life. Otherwise really liking it. Sad we didnt see 1 light saber fight in the first 2 episodes, but glad they are bringing in Vader right away, wasnt sure how much he would be in the show. Also happy to see Jimmy Smits back as Bail, wasnt sure if that was confirmed or not but since they going Leia heavy makes sense.
I thought casting Flea was fine. He plays the, "criminal degenerate" character pretty well. The issue is just that both "chase" scenes were dumb and looked extremely "low-budget". So far, those 2 scenes are my only real complaints. Again, the chases themselves are whatever, since Star Wars has had its share of "stupid and silly" - it's just how it looked like a fan-made project that made it ridiculous.i'm not huge into music but was that fucking Flea from Red Hot Chili Peppers? The bounty hunter chase stuff was bad both episodes but oh well. Casting Flea was dumb.
But how does Obi-Wan have no clue that Vader survived? Yeah, I know, hermit life and all, but he's clearly doing more than creepy peeping on Luke and bringing him a member berries toy every couple years. Did the Emperor lock Vader in an S&M dungeon for a decade?
Didn't he know Anakin had turned to Vader well before the black suit? To be fair my memory of Episode 3 is shit so I'm open to being completely wrong.
Read my post again. His last sighting of Anakin is BBQ Anakin
Yes, I get that. But Anakin had been Darth Vader well before the lava BBQ. So a big bad jedi master in a life support suit with the same name shows up working at the Emperor's behest for 10 years and Obi Wan can't make the connection? Or was the Vader name just kept between Palps and Anakin until then? I didn't think so but it's been years since I've watched that mess of a movie.
I think its reasonable to assume Ben doesn't know Vader = Anakin, as far as he knows Anakin actually died on Mustafar. Did Ben see a holovideo in the prequels of Palps calling Anakin Darth Vader? He saw him slaughter the younglings but dunno if he ever saw his new name.
The odder thing is Leia now has canon encountered Ben when she was 10 years old, so her plea in ANH to Obi-Wan, "You helped my father in the clone wars, we need your help again you're our only hope" really should be "Hey you saved my ass 8 years ago we need your help again". Minor nitpick with the only real answer being that this was written 50 years later, so I can let it slide.
She is awful. Nothing but a bad meme. Studios need to go back to hiring attractive people. She almost ruins the show.Third Sister or whatever chick is fucking dead fish actress. Jesus her casting is so bad. Outside of that I'm happy with the first episode and going to watch the second now. Good visuals, a storyline that is fitting. All the recap and flashback stuff was good. It feels the most true to universe of any of the shows I've watched.
It also doesn't really make much sense that now one Inquisitor knows that Leia is Obi-Wans "weak spot", why Vader/Emperor wouldn't eventually figure something out, use her more, etc. Hopefully that is not forgotten or overlooked since thats a new in show story beat they have to address.