Official Apocalypse Strategies Thread [OAST] [NEAT]


Lord Nagafen Raider
It’s on my Kindle. If it’s the one I’m thinking of, I got to the part where he pulled out a Springfield XD and noped out. The Survivalist series by Arthur T. Bradley is good and the One Second After series is great. I really liked the first two and a half books from the Day By Day Armageddon series. It got fucking weird after it abandoned the single main character pov style, though.

Also, we already have a prepper thread.

Edit: Forgot the search function is still broken.
Preppers have a tendency to just pack rat as a main strategy, and I don't think that's effective hence the focus on a survival theme.
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Egg Nazi
Of course it boils down to "get to the middle of nowhere, where there's food" but that's borderline impossible if you're not already there.

If you're escaping a city, you're going to become a raider by definition. You WILL be the intruder. Half the population is urban, there will be a war.
Yes, I think everyone thats currently living within the zones I described is dead. If you havent already got out its too late already.

I entirely agree about the coming rural vs urban war. And I don't pretend to know how long it'll last. My only goal is to hide away from it completely while they kill each other.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
99.999% of people, yes but humanity would persevere IMO. I think discussing how to be the .001% is extremely interesting.

As an Ancient Civilizations buff, I think this sort of thing has happened to humans before, multiple times over. 12000 years ago through about 8000 years ago was a very dark time for humans and I suspect whatever civilizations existed in the antediluvian period fell into complete decimation during the Younger Dryas. Wouldn't surprise me if human population dropped by 99% and took 4000 years to even start to form civilization again. The oldest written work in (current) human history basically says as much.

Before that it probably happened a number of other times that are simply too far back for us to even have any inkling of.
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