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Oh, hooray, a parental debate. The bottom line in parenting is this: take responsibility for your child. If you do that it doesn't matter how you raise it, but always take responsibility for its actions. If at 2 it breaks shit, is a heathen, and spits at people, that's your fault. Don't listen to the advice other people give you about raising it; do your own thing. Remember, though, it's ALWAYS your fault if the child is badly behaved, unless there is some kind of underlying medical condition.
vGrade, you sound like a douche. Perhaps your style of parenting works for you and your child, but you have little right to tell other people how to raise their own.
vGrade, you sound like a douche. Perhaps your style of parenting works for you and your child, but you have little right to tell other people how to raise their own.