I was really surprised at how dark that was with Pennsatucky, god damn.
The overall arc of the season, the private prison and everything that entails, was good. The Piper stuff was ok, I like seeing her go bad better than her whining all the time. I wish Alex would just die already. Enough with that shit.
Seriously, every time those two are on screen I get the urge to go get a drink or something, I just couldn't be bothered to care about their relationship drama. Same with Red and Healy. Who gives a shit? Captain Janeway deserves better than this.
The stuff with Sophia was at once unbelievable and totally believable. It seems crazy that after all that time no one came to her defense, but that does happen.
The ending was pretty stupid. All of the Norma stuff was dumb. Soso didn't even get naked. I give this season a 3/10.