If I were to say to you that the farmers in the UK would burn London to the ground and hang every MP they find (LOL) would you take that literally?
In much the same way, I wasn't picturing people literally freezing to death in their showers at the time, either, LOL. But most people with an IQ higher than 70 got the gist of it.
Also, I don't remember the larger argument being that Chris was going to freeze, rather that is was going to 'get bad' for the UK (Didn't it?) I'm trying to see where you're getting the idea that we were being disingenuous? Or is this just a "Dumb Brit" thing?
To be fair, now that we can look at things in hindsight, things went 'less bad' that expected and Europe as a whole coped better than predicted. I still found the situation to be hugely amusing, though.
The issue with the whole "locked my rates in" wasn't that Chris was just casually stating it as a fact; that just happened to be the defense he chose so he wouldn't have to engageAraysar anymore.
But maybe Araysar remembers it differently than I do. I can't exactly go back and search for those posts anymore...
If I were to say to you that the farmers in the UK would burn London to the ground and hang every MP they find (LOL) would you take that literally?
In much the same way, I wasn't picturing people literally freezing to death in their showers at the time, either, LOL. But most people with an IQ higher than 70 got the gist of it.
Also, I don't remember the larger argument being that Chris was going to freeze, rather that is was going to 'get bad' for the UK (Didn't it?) I'm trying to see where you're getting the idea that we were being disingenuous? Or is this just a "Dumb Brit" thing?
To be fair, now that we can look at things in hindsight, things went 'less bad' that expected and Europe as a whole coped better than predicted. I still found the situation to be hugely amusing, though.
The issue with the whole "locked my rates in" wasn't that Chris was just casually stating it as a fact; that just happened to be the defense he chose so he wouldn't have to engageAraysar anymore.
But maybe Araysar remembers it differently than I do. I can't exactly go back and search for those posts anymore...
. So then people started posting the freezing Wojak in the cold shower, with his teeth chattering, saying "Take that Putin". After that meme got posted like 100x times, Chris eventually tried "Well i locked my rates in" and then it just kept going. This was like in 2022 so my memory is hazy
If I were to say to you that the farmers in the UK would burn London to the ground and hang every MP they find (LOL) would you take that literally?
it is disingenuous to accuse Chris of that for refusing to engage via the defence that his rates were locked.
Why else would he throw that up as a statement in the Ukraine thread, of all places, LOL?
Just stop here bro.You're dumber than dirt