Outer Space!

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<Silver Donator>
Mods: I didn't see a general NASA/Private space thread when I searched. Please move/delete/merge this thread if I missed it.

What this thread is: General information and discussion about space-related news and events, real technologies that currently exist, are currently being developed/explored, or could be considered theoretically plausible. Space travel, space tourism, exploration, mining, satellites, exploration, etc.

What this thread is not:

I'm interested in the trajectory of the private space industry, but know fuck-all about it and it's something that we rarely see in the news. I know there's plenty of people here that keep track of everything going on with our U.S. companies and other governments, so post your info & stories here and learn me a thing or two.

Blue Origin - New Shepherd


Musty Nester
So where in the butt do the pellets go? Outer edges near the hips? More central in the meat? Or do they nestle them in the crack?
  • 1Haram
Reactions: 1 user


Uncle Tanya
ETA till Foler posts something dismally inane, pointless and bereft of intelligence in this thread?

giphy (5).gif
  • 3Worf
  • 1Truth!
  • 1Bullshit
Reactions: 4 users

The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>
Vanessa Vanessa is stalking me throwing me negs. Y u so salty girl? That time of the month?
  • 1Blown
  • 1Worf
  • 1Garbage
Reactions: 2 users

The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>
Vanessa Vanessa what pronoun do you identify as? Can I just call you and it or thing.

  • 1Solidarity
  • 1Garbage
Reactions: 1 users


Uncle Tanya
You can call me whatever pleases you, I don't mind. Don't be upset just because I think your posts are garbage (they are), just realize I'm giving you an honest evaluation of your existence on this forum. You are a tired and rehashed version of the Coffee & TV / Potam / Brittney dynasty of idiocy beyond the pale that plagued this forum years ago. We're not in our twenties anymore and you're not funny.
  • 1Barf
Reactions: 1 user


Uncle Tanya
Yet another garbage post while getting handjobs from another equally useless presence here: The fat thumb who has the audacity to call out Tuco for being fat. Projection much? The fact that Hodj condones Foler just fits... kinda like the puzzle pieces that represents his autist shit-dribblings.

Y'know Foler, I thought your watches thread was just a mild -miss- of a thread... an unforeseen "bad idea"... little did I know it was just mere foreshadowing of you spewing your stupidity all over this fine forum.
  • 2Triggered
Reactions: 1 users


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Weird how the fundamentalist young earth creationist confused man in a dress thinks some of the funniest posters here are low value while he's the lowest value addition to the community since Tanoomba Tanoomba .
  • 1Hodjing
  • 1Like
Reactions: 1 users

The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>
Yet another garbage post while getting handjobs from another equally useless presence here: The fat thumb who has the audacity to call out Tuco for being fat. Projection much? The fact that Hodj condones Foler just fits... kinda like the puzzle pieces that represents his autist shit-dribblings.

Y'know Foler, I thought your watches thread was just a mild -miss- of a thread... an unforeseen "bad idea"... little did I know it was just mere foreshadowing of you spewing your stupidity all over this fine forum.

Briefly scanned this. Seems like ur still mad. I have a long standing history of contribution to this beautiful, diverse and eclectic community that outweighs my absence in recent years.

hodj hodj 's contribution doesn't need to be reiterated but it's large, like extra large.

Dunno y ur whiteknighting Tuco Tuco . Tuco Tuco is a well known forum criminal vagrant who has been living a full life of Bentley's and burgers with his blood money.
  • 2Solidarity
Reactions: 1 users


<Bronze Donator>
You can call me whatever pleases you, I don't mind. Don't be upset just because I think your posts are garbage (they are), just realize I'm giving you an honest evaluation of your existence on this forum. You are a tired and rehashed version of the Coffee & TV / Potam / Brittney dynasty of idiocy beyond the pale that plagued this forum years ago. We're not in our twenties anymore and you're not funny.

Hi Whatever Pleases You, my name is pharmakos, good to meet you.
  • 1Worf
Reactions: 1 user
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