Outriders (Squeenix looter shooter)


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Game reminds me of Defiance a little. Sort of a spiritual successor, but with better execution.


Trakanon Raider
Lord have mercy, playing through again on trickster and experiencing all the movement glitching from teleporting, lag stutter stepping, terrible collision in some cases, even my gun controls being locked out until I die or out of combat, like I can't reload, can't fire, can't use skills, happened 3 times in fights tonight, y button to accept not working, hud disappearing, friend using trickster spin to win gets him stuck slow walking/can't sprint after using it. It's like all the bugs decided to gang bang me tonight...


Trakanon Raider
So I bought this game this weekend after playing the Demo, and I really enjoyed the demo. Writing was tropey but servicable enough to move the plot along. Breaking the game with some dumb weapon combos and builds was fun. So, I put down my money.

I think I regret it. Game was ok, but the deeper I got into it the more glitches I started to see, and the more I feel the developers don't really understand their own game so much.

So, my playthrough is as a Trickster. I did a build similar to the ME3 Vanguard. Zap in, big damage shotguns with health and reload on kill, then rewind out. Or, pop the time stop bubble and run around in a big death or glory murder spree. It was a blast. Then I hit boss fights. No cover, some have no adds during phases so you can't kill/reload off adds. The bosses have a lot of 'fuck you don't get near me' mechanics that will nearly instagib you. It really ruined the playstyle. I persevered cause it was ok, and just carried extra weapons loaded with lifesteal and just played dumb rifleman through those parts.

However, the last act of the game lost me. For one, the story goes... well. I'll save that for spoilers for those who haven't gotten there yet, but it went full modern day. The last boss though? Yeah. No thanks. He is pretty much designed to make most all my Trickster abilities useless. Rewind? Small square arena, where am I going to rewind to? REwind is just as likely to get you killed cause of all the aoe and crap being thrown out. I just have to circle strafe near constantly, so no on the rewind other than the buffs I can get. Warp behind? Yeah. Thats dangerous. IF you time it wrong, die to boss instagib mechanics, though you can take advantage of the slow. Boss resists my sword blade, though the slow is useful. Time bubble? Yeah. Boss's shit isn't slowed by it, and he doesn't really seem to be affected by it either. Spin just gets you killed. So basically its a big game of strafing in circles to dodge mechanics and hit him enough to keep health up. Oh, and his 'adds' don't refill health and are immune to all my Trickster abilities during first phase. Yeah. Thats... not really that interesting of gameplay. Plus, it completely kills the playstyle Trickster seems built on.

So yeah. Story boss fights in this game are shit. The 'hunt' ones and all are ok, but the solo arena shit. Garbage. FWIW I was WT 10, level 30 when I hit it. Oh, and if you fail 'phase 2' it makes you start all the way back at phase 1. So, its more tedious than enjoyable at that point. I just said fuck it and set it to WT 1 cause it was after 1am when I finally got sick of it and wanted to go to sleep. Story had pissed me off so much by that point I didn't care anymore.

Spoilered my rant, just as much to save you from my ranty diarrhea as to save you from spoilers.
So... Yeah. Its all the white man's fault. No shit. As you get towards the end, you find out that somehow, the Caravel. Which was shown getting blown the fuck up because of engine failure in a cutscene, was some how repaired after you all left, and sent to the planet. Not just repaired mind you. Repaired, with a faster engine, that allowed it to get there before you did. Now mind you. How? It makes no sense. The space elevator was destroyed during the launch of the Flores. Where did they find the resources, the know how, the orbital capability to get all that up there, and to get it fixed. Yeah... Umm. What? But no. Some warlord apparently took over and somehow did what the people leading the world couldn't do in repairing it and launching it, and make it so good it arrived first? You know. Whatever, that's just stupid.

But of course they arrive to find a perfect Eden, with 'natives' who are peaceful and pure and not even physically capable of malice. Literally. Living in one with nature, no industry, just... at peace, with their magical gaia powers over the anomaly. IT allows them to farm, and build, and its fucking magic. OF course, the white man is jealous, wants to know how they do it, and doesn't trust them and thinks they are going to kill the white man so what does he do? Enslaves and tortures them of course. Have to learn their secrets! Somehow they neglected to warn us about the nasty storms and how they have to do the magic ritual when they appear otherwise shit goes bad. So... when a storm appears and our electronics start to fail, we find them at a mystic glowing obelisk and since no one told us, we think they are causing it, so we kill them.
Start the Genocide. No, literally we have our Nazi references too. Complete with making us walk through an extermination work camp.

So they natives (Names Pax btw, cause lets pick a more utopian name) decide to devolve into monsters using the warp, I mean anomaly to fight back. So all the humanoid monsters we see are actually the natives, that we condemned to death who mutated themselves into killers to fight us. Which, apparently they can't reverse, and they can't control their minds once it happens. Good choice there. Like, literally, they are so pure that in order to fight back to defend themselves they have to become warp creatures. And now the warp is making the whole planet try and kill us too.

Apparently they were the ones responsible for holding off the anomaly storms, and keeping them from ruining the world. So... once they die, it all goes to fuckers. So the question is, how the fuck did they evolve on the fucking planet to be so peaceful and loving and controlling of the anomaly in the first place? They had to build all the towers and shit to control it? Did they just, evolve with magic powers from the beginning? Cause we see within a month of them stopping the magic ritual, it goes pure straight fuck you world ending cataclysm level shit. So... how did they survive to tame that shit in the first place? How did they even achieve civilization to control the anomaly, if without them the anomaly ruins everything?

They didn't even for a second think of making up some bullshit to justify how things happened. I am reminded of that stupid video of the professor talking about how shaman in Africa can call lightning down on some people, and how we haven't researched the black man's science, and we've privileged white man's science, and that's why it doesn't work. Its that level of dumb. They just wanted the narrative of perfect utopia, ruined by man, and yeah. If they had just put in a little effort, they could have gotten the same message out, without making it trite bullshit. Another faction building a spacecraft? Ok, boom. No more bullshit of dystopian warlords building better spaceflight than the world's greatest. Just, think for a second, make a plausible excuse that allows me to maintain my suspension of disbelief. Don't go so over the top woke it pulls me out of the game. Where did the anomaly come from that allowed the Pax to develop in the first place? Did they ruin their own world back in the day, and had to do shit to save it? Give up on their warlike past to stabilize their world? See. That works. Still shows a utopia, that realized they could save Gaia... I mean Earth unlike us that ruined ours and abandoned it. Same message, even a little better. With some rational that can at least pretend to be coherent. But nope. Pure woke noble savage bullshit.

And lastly. You succeed in getting the pods full of supplies down from the Flores. Lots more stuff, so yay. But so what? Anomaly and storms are still there. Everything wants to kill us. Electronics are still fucked. You can't grow shit on the planet cause apparently (from the log files) the soil is gone fuckers. The planet is still full on warp mutated and hostile, getting worse by the year to kill us. So... yay, we're still fucked and can't do shit to solve it? I mean, I guess we bought ourselves some more time for the sequel to come out and we deal with that? We now have stuff for the ECA and Insurgency to fight over even more? Like, the ending still leaves us squarely in fucksville, but it acts like its all 'yay guys, we're saved!".

Yeah sure whatever. Yes, its 2am. Yes I just finished the game, and yes I am fucking ranty. But Jesus Christ, it went from trite and tropey, but interesting world building with a not so subtle woke but acceptable environmental/moral message, straight into the 'White men ruin everything, back to nature noble savages are the best in a couple hours.

So yeah. Gameplay in general is serviceable with some fun builds and stupid gimmicks, but boss fights are trash, story turns woke trash.
  • 1Rustled
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Trakanon Raider
Just finished the game also. Played a pyromancer and ended up at lvl 30 wt 12. Game was pretty good up until the big reveal. Set pieces were amazing. I didn't have a problem with any of the fights until the last boss. Super frustrating fight. I dropped it to WT 1 to get it over with. Not sure I want to play it all over again with a different class though. Once I found a decent build was no point in changing it up. Played through 100% solo. Had 1 crash and a few bugs, mostly janky cut scenes. The legendary weapons are disappointing as well. They are only good for dismantling to get the tier 3 mod. Only found one piece of legendary armor and it was from a quest. Didn't even use it because it was lower level than what I currently had.


<Gold Donor>
Got a few random crashes that were Unreal Engine crashes while navigating the menu. Nothing game breaking but kind of frustrating. Anyone else experience that?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Just finished the game also. Played a pyromancer and ended up at lvl 30 wt 12. Game was pretty good up until the big reveal. Set pieces were amazing. I didn't have a problem with any of the fights until the last boss. Super frustrating fight. I dropped it to WT 1 to get it over with. Not sure I want to play it all over again with a different class though. Once I found a decent build was no point in changing it up. Played through 100% solo. Had 1 crash and a few bugs, mostly janky cut scenes. The legendary weapons are disappointing as well. They are only good for dismantling to get the tier 3 mod. Only found one piece of legendary armor and it was from a quest. Didn't even use it because it was lower level than what I currently had.
Can farm legendaries via Contracts / Hunts, kinda tedious but they are quick, 10 of each type. Will drop at your current WT, but I think your Challenge Tier might affect their level as well. I'm at WT15 / CT8, and they drop at lvl42.


Trump's Staff
Can farm legendaries via Contracts / Hunts, kinda tedious but they are quick, 10 of each type. Will drop at your current WT, but I think your Challenge Tier might affect their level as well. I'm at WT15 / CT8, and they drop at lvl42.

Challenge tier only applies to expeditions and is completely separate from WT. Expeditions will drop gear equivalent to WT15 around challenge tier 8 which it seems like you've hit the equilibrium point. From here on, you'll only get higher level gear from expeditions.

If you want to farm legendaries from hunts/bounties, you can do the first nine of them on WT 1 and swap to your highest tier for the final one. Then turn them all in at once. Obviously you'll get many fewer epic+ drops from the actual kills 1-9 but it could make the legendary specific farm faster for you if that's all you care about.

Also there's a matchmaking exploit currently (requires cooperation & setup) where you can turn the quests in from another person's lobby and get a legendary for each turn-in. Yes, 10 legendaries at once. However it's unclear if this will get you marked as a cheater from PCF, as they have acknowledged the bug and advised not to do it.


Trump's Staff
Yeah, server issues suck. There also haven't really been any server issues since Saturday, early Sunday. I'm near 30 hours and haven't had connectivity issues since day one or two. Probably safe to say it's a non-issue now unless they have a sales peak higher than launch day.
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<Gold Donor>
Is there really crashing in this game like he says? He mentioned something lime 80 crashes for some dude, like WTF?
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Trump's Staff
I've had a few crashes when launching the game (literally title screen then gone, relaunch np), and one actual crash to desktop during gameplay in my 30-ish hours. Trying to play on a team in the first day and a half probably made crashes worse. Still, stability issues seem to have been ironed out.


Apparently you can cheese upgrading items to get the mod you want. Saw this on Gladd's stream last night, who I can't stand but whatever.

  1. Pick blue item to upgrade
  2. Upgrade to epic and get the 3 choices presented to you to pick from
  3. If you don't like them, hard close the game
  4. Restart game, go back to Zahedi and try again.
  5. Repeat until you get mod you want
  6. Profit.
Looks like the game doesn't commit the change to their database until you make the selection. Have fun.
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  • 1Worf
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Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Ok...what level drop pods you need to farm to start seeing legendries? I am on level eleven BARELY.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Im sorry he might be right but I dont know how people watch this dude. Hes fucking annoying and this video sucks.

He's an idiot. He waits for 2-3 weeks before pushing out his reviews which will mirror the general thought process of the gaming public.
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Trakanon Raider
Just finished story. Definitely got weird lol.

Anyone level multiple chars yet? Is there like a "speedy" way to do it for the next few times. Can't decide if I want to try one of the others yet or just start doing endgame on pyro.