Overwatch 2


Watcher of Overs
  • 1Weird Boner
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Watcher of Overs
There was a push map with exactly equal distance on apac this morning. I guess whoever steps away in overtime loses in that situation?


Watcher of Overs
There was a push map with exactly equal distance on apac this morning. I guess whoever steps away in overtime loses in that situation?
Hhaahahah this just happened and the game announced the wrong winner. Everyone was looking very confused for about a minute.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
This is interesting. It looks like they will be releasing the PVP part of OW2 as "early access" on October 4th and it will be free to play. I'm curious how the f2p model will end up shaking out - that makes me think that there won't be any free cosmetics anymore, outside of special events or whatever.

I suppose it is smart: OW2 being held up while the PVE part is worked on has resulted in OW1 dying. You release OW2 PVP only and nuke the box price to bring in people.



Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I wouldn't be shocked if they go the Warzone route: Battlepass and rotating store selection for maximum FOMO.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I fully expect a battle pass. I hope they switch comp seasons back to three months to equal the length of a battle pass. A two month battle pass will suck.


Potato del Grande
I fully expect a battle pass. I hope they switch comp seasons back to three months to equal the length of a battle pass. A two month battle pass will suck.

The game is F2P. Guaranteed to be loaded with Micro-transactions, Season Pass, daily sales, the works..


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I can't wait for their battlepass to be loaded with crap no one wants, like icons and generic sprays


Golden Baronet of the Realm
2 month battle passes:


I bet the Mythic skins are $20. They are that greedy.

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Molten Core Raider
Id put money on the Mythic skins being the final reward for the premium track of the battle pass. With only one mythic skin per season, feels like it'd fit. The quick screenshot of the battle pass showed one of the original Tracer legendary skins as one of the rewards, they gotta put something more in there to entice longtime players to pony up the cash for the pass.

edit- nabbed a screenshot of the WIP battle pass screen.
Screen Shot 2022-06-16 at 1.47.37 PM.png
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Hopefully, it is, but I'm not holding my breath. It may be the carrot to get people to buy the battle pass though. I'm surprised they went with charms instead of weapon skins, but a lot of the character skins have their own custom weapon skin that comes along with it. That is more than likely why they didn't go down that road.

I just want to get back to playing the game again. Overwatch 1 just isn't as good now compared to it.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
You have to re-opt in for the next beta:

`Beta access does not roll over from the previous Overwatch 2 PvP Beta. For the upcoming beta, our main goal is to test our console and cross-play capabilities as we scale up server testing slowly. Because of this, we need to select players based in part on their platform choice, so we’re launching a new opt-in process which tracks player platform preference.

The new opt-in web form is now available on PlayOverwatch. com/beta is slated to stay open until June 28 unless we hit our projected maximum server capacity earlier. We’ll select a small group of players when the beta goes live on June 28 at 11:00 AM PDT and will steadily add more players over time as we ramp up capacity, with the first waves of larger access grants planned to begin on July 5.


Our goal is to provide access to ALL players that opt-in to the beta by no later than July 14.

Players who purchase the Overwatch 2: Watchpoint Pack on a platform on which the beta is available will be granted immediate beta access as soon as the Overwatch 2 Beta launches on June 28 at 11:00 AM PT, or whenever the Watchpoint Pack is purchased after the Beta kicks off.

Please note that if you are playing on a PlayStation device and opting in through our website, you will need to select the region in which your PlayStation Network account was created.`