

Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I'm still having a blast with the game, solo or pre-made.

I seem to have better success in small pre-made groups of 2-3 than bigger groups. I think in big groups we are simply matched against extremely competitive groups that are very well coordinated.

Thanks for the group to the people I grouped with today...was fun as usual.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
This loot box system is total shit. After 47 boxes ive received 1 epic skin, and gotten enough coins to purchase a single epic skin. Right now I have 350 coins, id have 450 if I hadn't unlocked a few voices.


Shit Gamer
Just had the fucking wildest game yet. Two insanely evenly matched teams both desperately trying to hold the objective with endless overtime. Ended up with 69 kills and doing 28,000 damage over the course of the bloodbath. I was skeptical about the O/T feature when I started playing this game, but holy fuck it makes things intense!


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah, we had a crazy overtime in the afternoon, ended up losing, but both teams had a lot of fun I think.


As much as I enjoy the game, I have admittedly been getting very frustrated with the class stacking. Gets unfun when playing support and the other team has 2 roadhogs. Constantly hooked.
Yea, two Meis is such a kick in the ass. No diminishing returns even with 2? Mannn...

It's kind of interesting (and nice) they aren't allowing champ stacking in the tourney, but I think if they had to do that for the tournament, that should be indicative of how not fun it is when it happens in normal q. We had a game the other day with multiple tracers, and the issue with stacking is that you deal with the annoying champ in the way that you know how...then you realize that same champ is still there.

I solo q'd tonight just for a few more games before bed, and while I've largely adopted a "who cares, it's quick match, don't worry about winning", that doesn't really hold up. I don't care if we lose, but it's HOW we're losing. It's multiple champs on the other team, or my team somehow not understanding that you need to be on the objective to win.

Super frustrating.


Tranny Chaser
It is hard as fuck to get POTG as Mercy. I did a 5 person rez, then pulled out the sidearm and capped two of the other team and POTG still went to a bastion who shot three people as a turret...


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yea PotG is probably going to take some time before its optimized. Seems like Junkrat, Bastion and Torb get all the plays regardless of what anyone else does. I got 3 double kills in rapid succession with Widow near objective, just awesome display of shooting and denial of the area yet lost out on potg to Junkrat tire killing 2 players and a turret.


Trakanon Raider
Yea, two Meis is such a kick in the ass. No diminishing returns even with 2? Mannn...

It's kind of interesting (and nice) they aren't allowing champ stacking in the tourney, but I think if they had to do that for the tournament, that should be indicative of how not fun it is when it happens in normal q. We had a game the other day with multiple tracers, and the issue with stacking is that you deal with the annoying champ in the way that you know how...then you realize that same champ is still there.

I solo q'd tonight just for a few more games before bed, and while I've largely adopted a "who cares, it's quick match, don't worry about winning", that doesn't really hold up. I don't care if we lose, but it's HOW we're losing. It's multiple champs on the other team, or my team somehow not understanding that you need to be on the objective to win.

Super frustrating.
I'm the same way. I don't mind losing at all in a decent game. I have even laughed about being curbstomped and joked around with the enemy team during/after it happens. I am okay with losing. What really gets to me is losing because people are being incredibly stupid. We had a level 50 Mei ice walling our own starting area door on Nepal I believe, where it's the only way to get out of your spawn room. She wasn't doing it nonstop but would do it every chance she got. I asked her why, politely, and she said because she plays this game for fun and that is funny. Okay, I get it, a troll, whatever, annoying but I can move on. I actually got her to stop by just remaining calm and cool, and we went on to win several games together, just wtf though. But the ADHD kids that won't stay on the point/objective and have to play deathmatch? That really frustrates me.

This loot box system is total shit. After 47 boxes ive received 1 epic skin, and gotten enough coins to purchase a single epic skin. Right now I have 350 coins, id have 450 if I hadn't unlocked a few voices.
I thought I read somewhere recently from Overwatch reddit that it looks like you are guaranteed a legendary after 25 boxes?

Re: Overtime. Sometimes I like it, sometimes it is really broken. There needs to be diminishing returns on each Overtime that a team creates imo. I also hate how competent teams on Anubis will literally wait until the last 20 seconds to push and then just instantly win before you can get an overtime. They won't do that in tournaments because you get more points for winning faster, but I'm almost positive they would if it didn't matter. I don't know what it is about Anubis that makes this happen so often, but it's ridiculous. I do like Overtime overall but I think it needs a few tweaks.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Easy fix for the overtime. If you are losing and swap champs during the overtime, your time window gets much smaller.


A Mod Real Quick
Getting tired of teams on defense stacking a ton of torbs. What the fuck Is the best counter for that? They had 4 torbs inside the objective, a rein guarding turrets and a genji in our backline taking out our snipers.

Every turret I took down was instantly back up. Such bullshit.


Fought that several times yesterday. Dva is pretty good against a single turret, but if they are positioned in sight of each other you usually make it about 10 feet. I think they would have to severely distracted to lose. I mean moreso than the usual. Turn from tv show now and then to whack on a turret, collect wins.

If they had range falloff you could counter some with sniper/phara but they really don't ever miss, have very long range, and a 0 ping. Doesn't take a huge amount of foresight to see you have a problem there. I guess the designers were thinking "Maybe people will be nice".


Trakanon Raider
If they hadrange falloffyou could counter some with sniper/phara but they reallydon't ever miss, have very long range, and a 0 ping. Doesn't take a huge amount of foresight to see you have a problem there. I guess the designers were thinking "Maybe people will be nice".
Yes, exactly this.

Yeah my biggest problem with Toblerone's turret is the laser accuracy from 100 miles away. A single turret instantly disables Junkrat's tire (as well as several other classes altogether), which is really frustrating, but fine I guess, everyone has a counter, but every other counter requires timing and skill. Toblerone's turret does not require that at all. I don't really think it should have that laser accuracy unless its in ultimate form. Maybe change the turret from hitscan to very fast projectiles that you can see and thus have a small chance at dodging them? Toblerone on Volskaya Industries Point B is absolutely retarded. The flying turret on the moving platform is way, way more problematic than it should be. And Pharah is supposed to be a counter to Toblerone's turrets but I think it's more like they both counter each other and it comes down to timing/coin flip as to who counters who first. And I play Junkrat a lot whom is a counter to Toblerone, but if they are in the right spot they can repair the turret long enough that I can't kill it before I get flanked and my grenades don't damage Toblerone enough to stop him repairing. And if I do kill it, he has another one up in a few seconds. Maybe your 2nd turret should take 3-4 scraps or something. But when you put multiple Toblerone's into the mix it's just dumb. I think a lot of problems could be solved by creating a 1 hero limit, but at the same time I don't like how that potentially limits the meta. So it's a tough one to solve. I don't necessarily think Toblerone is OP, just extremely frustrating and unfun to play against. People say this about Mei, but I think Toblerone is way worse in terms of frustration/unfun to play against.

His armor is godly though. I wish more Toblerone's put an effort into grabbing scrap to make sure everyone always had armor. I always find myself fighting my teammates for a piece of armor, when I'm playing Symmetra and desperately need it (people deeply underestimate an aggressive Symmetra supported by teammates, that fully charged auto aim beam MELTS) and they are playing Reinhardt and don't. Armor and Shields is a lot stronger than I think many people realize (maybe not at a tournament level, but below that, it's pretty amazing to have both).

TLDR: Toblerone's turret's laser accuracy and massssive range is very frustrating and unfun to play against and multiple Toblerone's can be absolutely retarded on some maps.

I also think it'd be cool if there was a MOBA type mode where you could only pick 1 hero that you had to stay with the entire match and teams took turns choosing heroes, allowing the other team to pick a counter if necessary, and each team has 1 or 2 bans. I think that might be interesting. Although I prefer it the way it is because it is unique and adds complexity/difficulty to the game.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Getting tired of teams on defense stacking a ton of torbs. What the fuck Is the best counter for that? They had 4 torbs inside the objective, a rein guarding turrets and a genji in our backline taking out our snipers.

Every turret I took down was instantly back up. Such bullshit.
Get a rein of your own and 2 Symmetras behind his shield spamming her right click at full, her orb pierces enemy rein shields. It sucks that you'd have to resort to that kind of fucked up comp to counter that but her right click does some retarded damage at max charge, even more if you have a mercy amplifying one of them. You have to do it early on though because the second the torbs start getting ults you'll be up against constant and never ending molten cores that they can stagger :/


A Mod Real Quick
I think the problem really is his turrets have no delay when turning towards a target. I don't mind 100% accuracy on a slow moving or immobile target but 100% on you AT ALL Times is retarded. Also if there isn't already I don't think it should have a 360 degree turning radius. Give it a blind spot, I thought tf2 turrets had blind spots.

It annoys me that you can walk into a room and a turret can instantly swing and take you out. Maybe a delay there.


Murder Apologist
Pharah, Junkrat, Reaper, Tracer and even fucking S76 can kill a turret with minimal risk. Hell even I can kill a torb turret AS TORB with minimal risk. There is a slight delay between acquisition and when it starts firing and its range isn't that long at all.

For that reason good Torbs will put their turrets where it forces people to COMMIT to taking it out (behind corners with narrow sightlines) but where it still has enough coverage to make a difference. But even then once the other team is irritated enough to commit to taking it out, there isn't much a torb can do on those maps where there ISN'T a lot of good turret spots (Ilios: Ruins and Lijiang: Night Market).

Recently I've been seeing more and more teams that will drop everything they're doing just to fucking shit on my turret, and it makes me want to pitch my monitor at a box full of puppies.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
If it were that easy with "minimal risk" I doubt so many people here would be bitching about it. Turrets are absurd right now. I really don't know how you can argue they aren't.


Murder Apologist
Cuz they're squishy as fuck and it only takes a motivated tracer or reaper to take them out. If there's a pharah on the other team I'm usually down to one or two turret spots on most maps and I'm pretty much just straight fucked if I'm on offense. As it is I HAVE to save my ult to save the turret, which has an intrinsic opportunity cost by itself.

The turret could use a bit of a buff to be honest. Maybe nerf Torb's turret gun a bit, which is pretty amazing once you get the hang of the droop over range, but if I wanted to shoot people codbro style I'd play a codbro hero.