

Molten Core Raider
If it were that easy with "minimal risk" I doubt so many people here would be bitching about it. Turrets are absurd right now. I really don't know how you can argue they aren't.
Turrents aren't a problem, class stacking is the problem.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Turrets will be nerfed, mark my words. They arent ridiculously OP but they do need to be SLIGHTLY toned down.

The other side of the coin is making them too weak which could then start to ruin overall balance as his turret game keeps the enemy honest and provides your team with a reliable counter to a lot of the more annoying heroes.


Trakanon Raider
Pharah, Junkrat, Reaper, Tracer and even fucking S76 can kill a turret with minimal risk. Hell even I can kill a torb turret AS TORB with minimal risk. There is a slight delay between acquisition and when it starts firing and its range isn't that long at all.

For that reason good Torbs will put their turrets where it forces people to COMMIT to taking it out (behind corners with narrow sightlines) but where it still has enough coverage to make a difference. But even then once the other team is irritated enough to commit to taking it out, there isn't much a torb can do on those maps where there ISN'T a lot of good turret spots (Ilios: Ruins and Lijiang: Night Market).

Recently I've been seeing more and more teams that will drop everything they're doing just to fucking shit on my turret, and it makes me want to pitch my monitor at a box full of puppies.
Lol so you're finding it relatively consistent that entire teams will drop everything to kill your turret and you get upset about that/think that's fine? You've just distracted an entire team and forced them to abandon whatever else they were doing just to take care of 1/2 of a player. What are you smoking? Drop your main class bias and be objective.


I'd like to repeat my story from pages back about jumping over the chokepoint from A in Volsk as phara and a turret in the back of point B shooting me out of the sky in 3 shots. Think about how far that is.


Murder Apologist
Well that only happens when they've ignored for so long that they've had to respawn a few times cuz of the same turret. Or I was too lazy to move it.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I love turrets. Play zarya and always have 100 energy because players are getting smarter and not shooting Zarya shields. Also time your rushes, wait till Lucio has his ult or Zen has his. Rush in and blow them up. Also learn all the weird angles and spots you can hit shit from with junkrat. Turret problem solved.


Murder Apologist
Yeah, they need a buff or maybe change his ult to something that recharges sooner but only protects the turret without a big DPS boost. Or nerf his gun in lieu for a turret buff.

Basically once everyone knows the best turret locations, ANYONE can shut down torb. Whenever I play Lucio or Dva I just troll the fuck out of Torb turrets until they switch chars.

Eventually the whole playerbase will plateau at the same map knowledge and everyone will know all the best turret spots and Torb will be even less popular than he is already unless his turret gets a buff. He's already like the6th or 7th least-played char.


Trakanon Raider
I love turrets. Play zarya and always have 100 energy because players are getting smarter and not shooting Zarya shields. Also time your rushes, wait till Lucio has his ult or Zen has his. Rush in and blow them up. Also learn all the weird angles and spots you can hit shit from with junkrat. Turret problem solved.
I've come close to mastering Junkrat's nade angles and you can do some crazy stuff and most of the time I can take out the turrets, but there are maps where you can't do it if the turret is in a certain place. And maps where Toblerone is safe from the nade splash damage and can repair it faster than you can damage it, or stall it long enough for his teammates to find and kill your Junkrat (which is super easy since you can easily tell where the grenades are coming from). And then he just sets up another turret. So yeah, Junkrat works great a lot of the times, but not all the time, and he's just 1 class. I agree with what you said about Lucio though. Lucio is a god in everything and is a must in any serious game. But most people aren't playing serious games and not everyone wants to be forced to play Lucio. I think the turret will definitely be slightly nerfed or changed in some way in the future. Like Kharza said, the fact that it can shoot Pharah out of the sky across the map is a bit retarded. Needs either A) decreased range, B) longer delay between target acquisition and fire C) lower accuracy or D) requires scrap to build/repair.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I honestly think torb is a dead character for competitive so they will probably nerf him to make the pugs happy.

The original Bastion was actually easier to kill but there was so much crying that they actually made him harder now lol.


A Mod Real Quick
Torb and turrets would be fine if people weren't stack 4,5, or 6 on a defense point and turtling. It's fucking stupid.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Solo queueing and just played against. 6 man rr team. The salt level on my team was fucking hilarious. I'd gladly lose every match to see such entertainment.


Murder Apologist
You can stack any chars and rape shit tho. Ever played against 6 junkrats? Holy fucking shit it's like, uninstall this garbage game time.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I think they will eventually give you a no stacking hero game option. There is just too many people complaining about it and don't want to switch from their fav to win.


A Mod Real Quick
You can stack any chars and rape shit tho. Ever played against 6 junkrats? Holy fucking shit it's like, uninstall this garbage game time.
That's different though. With 6 turrets you're dealing with 6 players AND 6 devices with pinpoint accuracy.

Stacking more than 2 is just stupid. Hopefully competitive will have restrictions


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I played against 6 Genjis once.

Wasnt fun. I also did a 5 S76 on a team one game and we wrecked shit. Insane healing and firepower w staggered ults. Was actually effective.