I thought this season was great, definitely better than season 2. It felt at first like they were forcing Ben into the storyline at first but he did an amazing job and i thought it was fascinating to watch Wendy break down as she realized her only way out was to have him killed.
My main complaints about the season are that the stakes keep getting raised so high, so quickly, that I'm having to suspend my disbelief more and more. I mean, we've got people in a small town getting killed left and right, including two Mexican cartels battling it out in Missouri, the top drug lord getting personally and deeply involved in the Byrde business, corrupt cops, a heroin business, and of course the FBI is aware and involved but just waiting for some proof? And now they are talking about the FBI taking on the rival cartel? And on top of it all, they have virtually every main character hating and forgiving each other at various points. It's a bit exhausting and it's stretching believability, but it's gripping enough for me to overlook.
The issues above keep it firmly below Breaking Bad, for me, because they seemed to have abandoned the "slow burn" for lots of action and plot twists. Still enjoyable, but it probably won't be able to keep up this momentum before the plot collapses.