Queen for a day?I skipped over this a lot and closed out the series in like an hour....
Ruth ending up queen shit through a variety of coincidences and convenient lucky breaks is about right up to speed with completely contrived plots in Hollywood. lol.
Let's take a look at the strong females.
Ruth - Dead
Mob Lawyer - Dead
Darlene - Dead
Wendy - Wins
Javi's Mom - Wins but pays a price
Big Pharma Chick - Not strong at all, manipulated by everyone.
Chick from the Blue Cat - a junkie who fails at everything and ends the show with nothing.
Black FBI Chick - Destroys her career and will never get a promotion or be assigned anything meaningful.
White FBI Chick - Does whatever her boss says to do.
I mean there are lots of flaws, but "gurl power" wasn't one of them in my opinion. The biggest flaw was Wendy not dying a horrible painful death.
Looks like a B tier combo of Justified, Breaking Bad, and Narcos. Hope it can be good but that cast is kinda meh. Woulda worked better as a movie I think, ironically.
Agreed. That crash makes no sense for the story.What do you think the point of the car wreck was in the last episode? They had it, then uber'ed home, and that was that. Seemed really strange.
I discussed this with the wife. Especially the last scene. It seems a let down, but the message of "We are rich and powerful and you cant touch us with your petty laws" has been an underlying theme throughout the show. The rich and powerful may catch a bullet in the head, but they tend to be above mere laws. In that sense I think it was a solid ending.Thought the second half of season 4 was better than the first half. But the ending was pretty lackluster. A better ending than most shows do but still not great.
I am withif by this point in time you can’t tell when a show builds its story around a particular gender at the expense of quality of story and every other character, there is no helping you.
So why did no one listen to Marty? And why did he get replaced almost immediately in mexico even though we spent an entire episode on him establishing himself? And what other male character had any power whatsoever towards the end of the show? What you two seem to misunderstand is that its not about power but about representation. They replaced all roles with women and made all stories about women. Hell the screen time in last two episodes was occupied by 99% vaginas. They degraded the quality of the show to shoehorn women into every single part of it and reduced all males to incompetent and useless things that existed in the story only to drive forward female character "development". Not seeing this is mind blowing.I am withSanrith Descartes - the majority of power didn't reside with either man or woman.
If anything, Wendy was shown as stupid and lucky as hell at the same time things just rolled in their favor. Ruth was also shown to be an idiot and paid the price by not listening to Marty to begin with. Darlene was also proven to be a moron. Basically if everyone would have just listened to Marty to begin with, all the chaos at the end is avoided. It was a chain reaction of horrible decisions made by Ruth, Darlene, and Wendy which showed just how fucked up everything got as a result of their emotional tirades in every single season - acting without thinking it through, which is not what the male's did in the show.
Marty actually states this in a convo with Wendy. He misplayed it and didnt catch the sister making the power move. Had he caught it he could have reacted. I caught it almost instantly. Also, it was stated numerous times that he listens to Wendy even though he knows its wrong because he truly loves her, as fucked up as she is. Wendy is his vulnerability. Just lots like of men have with their women.So why did no one listen to Marty? And why did he get replaced almost immediately in mexico even though we spent an entire episode on him establishing himself?