well, maybe it's relative, but to me, camp is bruce campbell. legolas sliding down the stairs on a shield or an elephant's trunk wasn't camp. that was just a directorial choice to demonstrate his "elven grace." to me, camp is for humor and since i didn't see him doing those things for humor, i don't see it as camp.
and with the dwarf tossing moments... i mean i definately can see how you would see that as camp, after that definition... but at the same time that definition just seems... overly encompassing. i mean with that definition, what the difference between comic relief and camp? well, i can tell you that when i see it, i know it. but that's not really all that beneficial.
to me, comic relief is comedy used to relieve the tension of a serious moment, but doesn't otherwise detract from the scene. camp is comedy used to relieve the tension of a serious moment by letting the audience know that actors/directors/writers/whatever are not taking the material too seriously.
and after reading that, maybe i'm even too strict in that by assuming that camp = comedy... but either way, i don't see ANYTHING in LOTR as camp. however, the hobbit? pssh... yes. campy.