None. As quoted before : he even skipped out for parts of the dev meeting in his own garage. The original team said he would go weeks without any communication or returning phone calls.Letter to the Pantheon community
Where's Brad? Seriously, do you know where the guy making 90% of the money is the majority of the time? Is this a Brad McQuaid made game or are you just using his name? How much of this product has he himself created?
what the fuck? so the dude says that rerolled are a bunch of haters making bad claims about their awesome footage. so what are his rebuttals? we got a new server, yay, we got our own new agey generic music yay. the characters are the same, but but but but that dull scenery with the same tree model duplicated 100 times is BRAND NEW! yay yay!. toggling the gamma slider is totally all our doing btw hater folks at rerolled! fucking yay!Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen - Advanced Forum Detail Topic - Letter to Rerolled Community
For those who may be banned:
I wanted to give an alternative perspective and respond to the negativity and false claims being made over on rerolled. I would have posted this there but they declined to approve my account so I will post it here instead.
It has been said that the most recent update and videos do not show anything new and no progress has been made since the last team left. This couldn't be any further from the truth. Over the last few weeks we have made tremendous progress.
Here is a short list of changes made:
1. New network code was written and implemented.
2. The unfinished scene (zone) shown in the video is completely new, and not the same as shown before. The exception here is that previous character models were used but these are placeholders until new models can be worked on.
3. First dungeon is currently being worked on and has yet to be shown.
4. Early weather system and day/night cycle implemented and demonstrated.
5. First server has been set up (prior to this the game was hosted locally.)
6. Early registration and login server set up.
7. Original music for the game is being composed and can be heard in the video.
These are just a few of the monumental steps forward made just over the last few weeks. Not to mention we rolled out a new version of the website which has been generally well received. Although some of the items listed may not make for an exciting video, they are crucial and necessary building blocks in MMO creation. We are basically working on the foundation for the game. Once completed, more resources can be used to build off of the foundation and make for more exciting video content.
One other thing that needs to be said is that we are all volunteers and donating our time to help give the game the best chance to succeed. We all have families, jobs, lives and other responsibilities but donate our time nevertheless because we are passionate about this game. Please give us a bit of slack as we are doing the best we can in our spare time. Some consideration and understanding would be much appreciated, we are only human.
Thank you and I hope that this helps even out the one-sided negative viewpoints shared by so many on rerolled. With some faith and patience you will see this game continue to take shape and come to life. We hope that everyone will be able to look past previous disappointments and prejudices and look upon the new work done with an open mind.
Hope to see you all in Pantheon in the near future!
-Matt (Kyndread)
Brad stole money and they defend him. They tried to blame this community for the failing of the kickstarter and put none of the blame on the fact the kickstarter was total fucking trash. Also major lulz are had here at how fucking totally retarded these people are. These people are MMO birthers.I dont want to defend the project, but why do you hate on them?
This is no longer (and it really never was) a project from a professional gaming studio/startup. This is now at best an amateur project, done by a few people for free in their spare time. I dont expect anything, certainly not a finished, professional game delivered by 2016/2017. If those people have fun working on the game, let them...
If it wasnt for the great visionary leader Brad McQuaid an his "managing", no one would care about this hobby project![]()
At this point in time, these people are essentially scamming for money using Brad McQuaids name. If this was a standalone amateur project that would be one thing, but this project is still taking donations under the false pretense of being a professional game on the ground floor. If McQuaid had any sort of spine he would have shut this charade down long ago. Instead he's silently collecting cheques from some mentally unstable people who are ok working for free.I dont want to defend the project, but why do you hate on them?
This is no longer (and it really never was) a project from a professional gaming studio/startup. This is now at best an amateur project, done by a few people for free in their spare time. I dont expect anything, certainly not a finished, professional game delivered by 2016/2017. If those people have fun working on the game, let them...
same reason why people warn others about scams. because this is a scam. if this was a proect done by people on their own spare time who believe in what they are doing and all their money is going into the project to make it a reality and of quality, then you would have a point. this is something completely different, you have a washed up old game lead who cant find work has now roped in a bunch of kids and social misfits to produce something for free in order to rope in investors which will supplant this one person's income. no money will ever go into this project, it just goes into brad's pockets while these pathetic people waste their time trying to make a game that will never see the light of day. it has nothing to do with being a hater or negative. games cost money to make, they just do, when that money is not there or it is but its being pilfered then it makes this whole thing an exercise in futility.I dont want to defend the project, but why do you hate on them?
This is no longer (and it really never was) a project from a professional gaming studio/startup. This is now at best an amateur project, done by a few people for free in their spare time. I dont expect anything, certainly not a finished, professional game delivered by 2016/2017. If those people have fun working on the game, let them...
If it wasnt for the great visionary leader Brad McQuaid an his "managing", no one would care about this hobby project![]()
If you copy anything from me, you'll be banned as well. You certainly have my permission to copy any and everything I've posted. They read rerolled so I don't have a problem getting to themFrenzic,
If you want me to copy a response and post it on the official forums, I can do it. (I assume my account is not banned atm)
I still am not fine with that, but I am not a monthly subscriber - was a "lump sum" pledger. So, now, I'm just lurking.Kyndread,
Have you heard that Brad pocketed 1/3 of the funds raised, or are you willfully ignoring it?
Or are you cool with it? Everything's fine? Move along?