No but he doesn't have any choice, because that is all he's got.Even funnier that Brad is joining EQ facebook groups from way back. Does he actually think one of us original EQ players will come up with 1 mil $ to fund him?
I'll tell you what one of Brad's biggest problems is: he's spent years being treated like aLITERALMMO Developer Jesus, and I'd wager that his views are skewed by all of the people that wet their panties whenever he shows up to shill one project or another. But his influence only applies to a relatively small group of gamers, outside of which he's a footnote. Random_Dev_02 from a game they never heard of. So he's forced to keep going back to the same well of gamers and repeating the same type of sales pitch that he always has. And because there is only one group of people that fawn at his feet, guess who he continually goes to in order to support his projects?

And every time we see the same writhing, convoluted, contortionist style justifications for why weHAVEto support BradCo."Obi wan Bradnobi, you're our only hope!"In regards to VG I could at least see some reasons for guarded optimism, but after years of drama and insider info reveals, the rest of us were just left to laugh and /facepalm when people did it ALL OVER AGAIN with this Kickstarter nonsense. And now we're seeing the same kind of things said about Brad this time around as we've all seen before - Brad vanishes when things get tough, he isn't good at management (of people or monies), and he is all too willing to play on the naive hopes and dreams of all of the blind EQ1 vets who want him to put out some sort of EQ1/VG 'done right'. He seems to have a habit of parachuting in unannounced, both to employees and fans on forums, but he becomes completely fucking nonexistent when he starts getting asked difficult questions. And I'd wager that the reason Brad vanishes when people start asking questions is that he doesn't want to have to wrestle with reality...he just wants to sit in his office and theorycraft or occasionally dispense wisdom from his ivory tower...while getting paid, of course. Because that's the important part. Brad wants to be Smed. He wants to be the guy in charge at the top, but he also doesn't want to roll up his sleeves and help the people in the trenches - which is why he's one of the worst people for a Kickstarter. Brad needs a mega bankroll so that he can sit back and delegate...or vanish completely and let everyone else make HIS game for him.
From what Dalien reposted (I remember this from back in the day):
People keep choosing to believe in Brad. Not because he's such an amazing Dev, but because he plays on their yearning for"the good old days". And Vanguard? I honestly don't think that any of the "good" portions of the game werebecauseof Brad, I'd phrase it that they were goodin spiteof Brad. Which is also what I would expect from Pantheon if it were ever to get off the ground - it would need the people doing the actual work to make Pantheon worthwhile, because Brad wouldn't really have a hand in it. To do that, you need really good and experienced people...Ex-Sigil: Yes. We got press because I think people wanted to believe Brad. They wanted it to be great and they got caught up in his passion.
...yeah, about that.
All Brad is anymore is a pitchman, a salesman. And he wanted to try using KS in the hope that he could create enough buzz via his "fans" (lol) to attract legit investors, but I can't imagine any legit investors wanting to invest when Pantheon is literally nothing but smoke and mirrors. Nothing I've seen from Pantheon to date couldn't be thrown together in a shorter time frame and be better quality by random people from this forum.