Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Millie's Staff Member
nobody should feel shy about suing brad, for one yeah you pay for a lawyer, but so will he. also the amounts are small enough where you wont need a lawyer, its small claims court stuff where there are are no lawyers involved. plus there is the very good chance that he would not show up to court meaning you will win by default.


Just some info on the money.. From what I was told from an unnamed insider.. Brad took 45k, Chris Rowan took 20k or so. Some money went to Tom(not sure how much), and what was left went to the developers.

20k to this Chris dude? WTF did he do for 20k?

The money should have all went to development of Pantheon. Instead it went to the people who were the least capable out of the bunch to actually work on the game
Chris is a financial advisor and investor. Someone posted a link once to his online portfolio. He had something like $1 billion worth amongst all his clients in investment and what not. My guess is that $20k wasn't to pay Chris any kind of Salary but to invest. Likely in something high risk for a fast return. Chris will take his cut of course.


Just some info on the money.. From what I was told from an unnamed insider.. Brad took 45k, Chris Rowan took 20k or so. Some money went to Tom(not sure how much), and what was left went to the developers.

20k to this Chris dude? WTF did he do for 20k?

The money should have all went to development of Pantheon. Instead it went to the people who were the least capable out of the bunch to actually work on the game
Chris Rowan - CEO
Chris earned a degree in International Marketing from Santa Clara University, graduating cum laude in three years, then worked at an advertising agency in Paris. Next, in Tokyo, Chris completed graduate studies then joined the entertainment arm of Sony in Tokyo for 8 years where he started new businesses including the first online gaming site in Japan, and assisted the initial PlayStation efforts. He speaks, reads and writes Japanese fluently. In his free time, he coded and operated the first fantasy baseball game in Japan. After Sony, he was an early employee of IRI, a company key in building the Japanese Internet and mobile internet infrastructure. He managed IRI's successful IPO and the company reached a $10B market cap. His next role was to handle strategic venture investing for IRI which led to him establishing and leading IRI USA. He went on to co-manage AvTech Ventures, a $150M portfolio of venture investments which achieved top decile returns. After AvTech, Chris assisted several startups in various roles from Chairman to CEO including JP SCOPE, HydroLogic and Riava. He also assisted MMO developer Sigil with its sale to Sony Online Entertainment.
Happily married for twenty years, he's the proud father of a daughter in college and a teenage son. He enjoys online gaming, new technology, travel, camping, is an avid runner, cyclist and open water swimmer, and escapes by taking family hikes with his two dogs.


Your broadcast started out harmless enough, and I had/have no desire to host a show. I did listen to bits of the stream and they had "some" value (unlike the terrible roundtable discussions). However, like the awful roundtable discussions, they needed to be more focused and streamlined on the actual game. It's only when "shit hit the fan" and you continually went for the jugular out of pure vindictivness that Brad didn't want to grace his presence on your radio show that it became obvious that you wanted to create more drama to draw in more people to listen to KTAM (i.e. feed the ego).

Regardless, venting frustration/disappointment/gripes on air on a publicly accessible, recorded radio show isn't the best way to have a new employer sign you up for a job either.
Brad couldn't even answer the simple questions we asked on his time on with out sounding like a broken record. Brad is welcome to come on, we have lots of tar and feathers for him. He wouldn't come back on because he can't answer any questions with honest answers with out admitting he is scaming people. Just that simple. These good people here called him out on it even before it happened. We just aired the proof and vindication of those who followed up with a generous "I told you so".

The Dev's were willing to talk and we asked questions. It all speaks to their relationship with Brad and the project and what we all know now. Brad duped almost everyone. The shame is he duped his friends and co workers the most and that is just pathetic as a human being and often the #1 sign of an out of control addiction.


The fact that any of them took money after clearly doing no work is shameful. After a failed kickstarter it is pretty clear you need to get your ass in gear. So what does the whole team do? Make a website about how they will make a game, get money from people then split it up and bail.

I would be so ashamed of myself if I was a dev or brad. None of them deserved a penny. What a sad group. Every Last One.
absolutely 100 percent. they bailed. and it wasn't about the game. it was about the money. The KS was a joke. If they disagreed with going to KS before having content ready, they should have left before the funds came rolling in. Instead they waited to see what Brad's name would bring in... and then they left when they didn't get their "fair" share. Who was using who? they left us all high and dry. and from what has been released, they did jack squat.


20k to this Chris dude? WTF did he do for 20k?

The money should have all went to development of Pantheon. Instead it went to the people who were the least capable out of the bunch to actually work on the game
As Symblemyne stated.. Chris was originally listed as the CEO. Don't have a clue what he did, I don't think I've ever seen any post, discussion, or even the former developers talking about him.

Agreed on your last statement as well. As a startup company, at most, the money should have been used to pay monthly bills to keep afloat (not 45k worth) until an investor could be found.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
My gut feeling is that Brad/Chris expected the people slated to do the actual work to pull off some sort of short-term miracle and create something that would insure that they could skim off the top over the life of the project until such time they could do the heavy lifting with advertising/publishing/distro/etc.

I'm sure that Brad/Chris would be indispensable at certain points in the projects lifetime, but both would be almost nearly useless early on when what you really need is palpable progress and concrete results. Those two should have been the last 2 people bellying up to the Kickstarter buffet and they should instead have dug deep to kept the people doing the actual work paid.

To me that's what is actually shameful.


My gut feeling is that Brad/Chris expected the people slated to do the actual work to pull off some sort of short-term miracle and create something that would insure that they could skim off the top over the life of the project until such time they could do the heavy lifting with advertising/publishing/distro/etc.

I'm sure that Brad/Chris would be indispensable at certain points in the projects lifetime, but both would be almost nearly useless early on when what you really need is palpable progress and concrete results. Those two should have been the last 2 people bellying up to the Kickstarter buffet and they should instead have dug deep to kept the people doing the actual work paid.

To me that's what is actually shameful.
So pay the people who actually did work? what a novel concept. 1. who formed the company? 2. who recruited and vetted the team? 3. who fronted the start up costs? 4. who initiated the kickstarter? yes, lets talk about the work that was done and then why don't we put a price tag on what was actually accomplished.... cause the only things that were actually accomplished with any degree of success was the Company being formed, the website, and the kickstarter (though that failed ultimately)


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Agreed on your last statement as well. As a startup company, at most, the money should have been used to pay monthly bills to keep afloat (not 45k worth) until an investor could be found.
And maybe hire more than one programmer or 3d designer?

Team 1.0 was staffed by a bunch ofIdea Guise


Bronze Squire

Kyndread = Requiem
Nirrtix = Tyen
Burdock = Trexx

The Pantheon board is basically 12 members at this point and their alt army. Tyen promises to deliver 200k bots subs at release.
I'm sorry because I haven't been keeping up here, but is this correct?


Doing some more math guess work...

Brad Advanced $45k to himself. Was this going forward from March or did this include "back pay" as well starting from October? If from March then let's say he paid himself the same for the months prior to the advance. October to March @ $9K = $54k, Paid Chris $20k That's already $119k out of $142k.

Even saying Brad only back paid as much as he advanced himself that's $90k + Chris $110k. Near as I can tell collectively the rest of the team was paid about an average of $2500 each. 1 person never got paid from what Salim said and not everyone got paid the same. That's a total on the low side at about $135k leaving $7000 for the start up fees like licensing Unity, Trade marking the name and Incorporating VRI and some odds and ends.

Majority of the team worked 6-7 months for at best $2500 total. That is based on what we think we know. Did brad pay himself anything else prior to the Advance being taken? I think the general consensus is the web site was a one time purchase for the template with no other operating costs to date.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
And we're back to the question: who the fuck backpays anyone on a startup?
Brad sent me some silly justification email once... when I all but said that to him. Here is what he said..

just an odd thought:

can you imagine turmoil and chaos if suddenly hundreds or thousands of private companies/corporations revealed the salaries of their managers or even all employees?
What guys like Kyn just don't get is Brad is the one who killed this project by paying himself. The whole thing was handled like he was running a well funded company and not a startup. I'm actually more of the mindset now that he's really not into this whole game making thing. He may say he loves it, but his actions say otherwise. It's merely a means to profit to him. That's why he never stays engaged in all of this.


Majority of the team worked 6-7 months for at best $2500 total. That is based on what we think we know. Did brad pay himself anything else prior to the Advance being taken? I think the general consensus is the web site was a one time purchase for the template with no other operating costs to date.
Majority of the team worked 6-7 months? you have got to be kidding. you've seen the demo right? at what point were any of them working versus "volunteering." i think one operating cost your missing is legal advice. you can guarantee Brad got legal advice, including right before the kickstarter. what do you suppose his legal retainer fee was?


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Brad was living like it was champagne and caviar when really it should've been bud light and nachos.