[10/4/2014 10:56:08 AM] Dayna (Nirrtix): Anyhow, I have made my point... Joppa learn about the company you keep... I respect you... these two I do not.
[10/4/2014 10:57:44 AM] Jeanna (BlueEyedGator): Why, because you were caught in your lies? Sorry, I've been nothing but kind to you until you started attacking me publicly.
[10/4/2014 11:01:31 AM] Jeanna (BlueEyedGator): My apologies to anyone who is reading this and feels I have crossed a line. I have put up with this for quite a while now, and enough is enough. If people don't like me, fine. I don't take it personally. But to be posting anonymously about your teammates on other forums and being malicious is uncalled for. This isn't the first time.
[10/4/2014 11:03:38 AM] Sparkling: Dayna I am very sorry for your pain. I'm sorry that you were not able to find anyone to help you heal at the time you were seeking healing. I had to search hard, but I have found organizations, therapists, and support groups that do help people with LGBTQX issues. I've met people who have been healed. I've read testimonies from other people who have been healed. I know it really IS possible to find healing and I wish that healing and hope for everyone. I wish you could see that it is not hate, but hope that I have for you, and for others that I care about. I know you don't WANT to believe that so you have chosen NOT to believe what I say. But that is the truth. I do wish for true healing and hope for you, for joy and peace for you.
More skype posts this is sparkle telling me I need cured but she feels "sorry for my pain" that she caused. As to Blue she is referring to me calling her out on something. I do not know what lies she refers to. I do know she takes things personally. Blue supports Sparkle to the end, why not both are hard core religious types. As to talking anonymously about teammates she refers to me as this Cheena person. I am not Cheena, but I did find that thread and I forwarded it to someone who forwarded it to rerolled.
[10/3/2014 10:22:24 PM] Dayna (Nirrtix): Heya everyone
[10/3/2014 10:22:33 PM] Dayna (Nirrtix): jsut got home

[10/3/2014 10:32:58 PM] Dayna (Nirrtix): I know to a degree this is a mod issue, but we need more talk from Devs or something on the website. The interest seems to be dwindling. I know the game has backers but the posting is down to like about 5 people in total. We need more posts from Brad about things ot something. MAybe Joppel can talk aobut the music etc. we need to keep the interest there flowing. I mention it here because as I said some of the other Devs could interest them. The community looks up to and respects me, but while I can answer their questions I cannot explain things like what inspired a song or give the head devs insight into things.
[10/3/2014 11:01:05 PM] Branden/Radash: I tried that but got yelled at so I refuse to post on the site ever again.
[10/3/2014 11:07:19 PM] Dayna (Nirrtix): hon I am not your boss... I jsut said you were leaking some things. You leaked about the servers and stuff... I will state this... if community support wanes.... this game dies.... we cannot play this game jsut the 26 devs we have...
[10/3/2014 11:08:11 PM] Dayna (Nirrtix): We need to keep interest in the game is all... I know development is important. Talk about waht inspired you to make a zone what way you did. LEave the moderating to kyn blue and me.
[10/3/2014 11:09:29 PM] Branden/Radash: I had permission I never post anything without running it by brad and sparkling
[10/3/2014 11:10:14 PM] Dayna (Nirrtix): These are suggestions, I am jsut speaking for the community, they want to see the lore. They have wanted to see it since May. They love the movies and screenshots, but we need more to keep their interests. Like I told Brad they love to hear from me, but there is only so much I can say and do to interest them. I am usually explaining why this is this way and that is that. They want to know what inspired the game etc.
[10/3/2014 11:10:31 PM] Branden/Radash: But I'm done dealing with all that drama. If I wanted it I would still be doing cmvwork
[10/3/2014 11:12:06 PM] Dayna (Nirrtix): Keep in mind I am telling you all this because we need the community. All you would need to do is post a screenshots of a zone explain what it is an say waht influenced it and how you did it etc. Where is drama in that? Joppa could do the same with his music for the game that is released.
As to that old thread it is history. most there cannot post as they demoted their accounts. They did that becuase they are losing interest.
[10/3/2014 11:14:06 PM] Dayna (Nirrtix): Anyhow I am not talking specifically to you we all do. But since I am jsut the site mod there is little to say why I made what, as I only mod a website. I can voice how I think something would be cool in this or that way, but since I am a website mod and not actually working on the game, my opinions mean only so much.
[10/3/2014 11:17:24 PM] Sparkling: [Friday, October 03, 2014 7:40 PM] Brad McQuaid:
<<< Brad McQuaid wonders if this is a holiday or something?Actually yes, it's Yom Kippur I think for anyone who recognises Jewish holidays. But I have been busy with the contractor and flooring and unloading the storage unit and taking the kids to find costumes for a dance they are going to tomorrow. So I wasn't really on holiday, and didn't do anything relevant for Yom Kippur. I just was busy with life. It's pretty crazy around here right now.
[10/3/2014 11:19:14 PM] Dayna (Nirrtix): I worked most of the day myself and got home after being with my parents.
I am not trying to start drama. I jsut think we need to find some new ways to stir up interest in the site. Even some of our die hard members like Salty went light blue.
[10/3/2014 11:19:48 PM] Sparkling: We are unpacking boxes now. I just sat down to rest a moment.
[10/3/2014 11:20:13 PM] Sparkling: It's all the work of moving except we stay in the same house. I'm not sure this is my favorite thing.
[10/3/2014 11:20:34 PM] Dayna (Nirrtix): no problem remodeling and repairing a home is stressful and hard. been there many times at my parents.
[10/3/2014 11:20:52 PM] Sparkling: nods
[10/3/2014 11:21:02 PM] Dayna (Nirrtix): we had foundation repair and had to drill through the foundation and move out and back in.
[10/3/2014 11:22:17 PM] Dayna (Nirrtix): Sparkle did you read what branden and I talked about? I personally think all of the devs need to understand the situation with the community on our homesite.
this thread is me on the third pleading for them to take part in the community... notice how Radash whines and refuses to.... Notice how sparkle changes the subject then leaves after I press her for an answer on the subject. This shows me most of all how little she cares about the community or game and shows how much I did. I was basically trying to do her job and got the cold shoulder.
Again... i feel like she is trying to scuddle the game. No lore, takes away popular classes puts in Merpeople. She rambles about religion even though regular members told her they do not want to hear it.