Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


it feels good


OMG that sound of her laughing it is fucking HILARIOUS!!!! She sounds like she has DEMONS!!!

What was that sound clip originally for anyhow?

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Did you know Sparkles made a card game? Fuck you hearthstone


essiah is a family friendly card game with a blend of skill and luckand a surprize ending. A game can last 15 to 45 minutes. Messiah cards include scripture from the King James Version of the Bible with blank spaces where words have been left out that the player can recite from memory to win a bonus card. Messiah is a card game for 2 to 10 players who are old enough to read (about age 8 and up). Messiah is suitable for parties, game nights, fellowship gatherings, or just hanging out with friends and family. This card game was designed by Laurene Wells in 2004, but just released to the public for the first time in 2009 through The Game Crafter beta online store. Laurene is owner of Heaven's Blessings Tiny Zoo, a Christian game development company currently staffed entirely by volunteers. Visit us online atHeavens Blessings Tiny Zoo | A Christian Game Development Companyto learn about our other games!

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
no, but when her son stones a fag to death one day, that'll do it.

Anyway, someone get Bradly in here.


Trakanon Raider
So you continue to associate with people who disgust you.

This is why I despise Religion.
Of course I do... They frustrate me and at times yes, sicken me but I'm not going to treat them how they would treat other people. If I just let them take over and represent something I truly believe in and I see do a lot of good each and everyday, then I wouldn't be much of a person.

Kind of sums it up... mainly the last minute.


Yes... he fashions after Friar Tuck....

Too cheap for a toupee; too good to shave his head. So he looks like a moron with the bald part in the middle.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
While its fun watching the trainwreck continue, Nirrtix, I am not sure if you get where RR comes from on this whole project. We are all laughing it up now and pointing out the crazy, but it is important to understand that the MAJORITY of the forum were behind this project at the beginning. There were a few outspoken, sure, but overall we supported it. Pre-KS we ate up the Brad hype, we engaged him in conversation here and gave feeback on what we would like to see.

When the KS came around, on this very forum in the old thread convsersation with Brad, we gave advice on how to clean up the KS. Hell, some people offered to work on it for free (Draegan?). There were a ton of people who donated despite the shoddy initial KS launch, myself included. The hope started to fade when all of the solid advice seemed to fall on deaf ears and Brad went all "I am no KS expert" and vanish for weeks at a time.

I would say that overall RR support dropped after the 45k "advance" debacle. From there, it just got ugly and people started calling the project out for what it was. Brad disappeared from RR for good and from then on we were basically deemed troublemakers for the project. It's tens of thousands of posts to sort through, so I get where the anti-RR stance came from on the team, thinking we just wanted to watch it burn. That was never the case.

The thing that kills me in this whole fiasco is that this community gave a shit load of time and effort to try and get the train back on the track. We have a community of very talented people that tried to give this project a chance. One collossal fuckup after another from Brad and co got us as pissed off and fed up as we currently are. Everyone enjoys the LOLs now because it's vindicating to see we were right about our concerns and criticisms that eventually got this community shunned from the Pantheon team.

We did our part to try and avoid this shitstorm. After all, this community is pretty desperate for the next big MMO. It sure as fuck isn't Pantheon.

Shitload of reading if you are bored:
Rerolled<-- This one is important