Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Blackwing Lair Raider
Well, normally I wouldn't even do a comparison but when I see countless updated screenshots which are clones of EQ locales with updated graphics it becomes quite hilarious.
Let's face it, most of the people in the thread would be very, very happy with an EQ reskin/reboot. They aren't going to find it hilarious, they are going to find it promising.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Let's face it, most of the people in the thread would be very, very happy with an EQ reskin/reboot. They aren't going to find it hilarious, they are going to find it promising.
Until they play it and realize they are not in their teens and in college anymore, die, end up on a 2 hour corpse run, say screw it and uninstall.

Sorry Arden, but I think people hoping for an EQ reboot clawing to the days of Vanilla, Kunark, and Velious, thinking the magic will come back because of a graphical upgrade - Are going to be the first one's when playing saying, "Welp... I was wrong. I have no time for this"


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
It may inspire a new generation of gamers who enjoy punishing gameplay mechanics.

See: dayz


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Being young enough and dumb/desperate/lonely enough to sink way too much time into a video game isn't a luxury exclusive to the EQ generation. And don't try to say there just weren't any other options back then. There were a TON of games we ignored to play EQ, we just don't remember them because we were balls deep in EQ.

Not that Pantheon will be the game to appeal to any generation of gamer, or to anyone at all really.


Trakanon Raider
I long for a steampunk or fantasy style Destiny. with 3rd person controls (think wielding a sword in destiny) and maybe 1-2 more speccable skills.
And I mean everything good Destiny has going for it--the social MMO-lite style lobby play and everything.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Until they play it and realize they are not in their teens and in college anymore, die, end up on a 2 hour corpse run, say screw it and uninstall.
WHO are you to dictate how WE would react to a game like EverQuest. It's very understandable to say this about yourself but you have no idea how OTHER people can react to a certain kind of games. Stop acting like a self-righteous prick, accept the fact that what you "think" might be inaccurate.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Obviously an Oldschool MMO needs to be made in partnership with the AARP. Market to the elderly. Not many buttons, requires tons of free time, forces people to listen to your stories about your grandchildren if they want to get heals? Perfect target market.


I long for a steampunk or fantasy style Destiny. with 3rd person controls (think wielding a sword in destiny) and maybe 1-2 more speccable skills.
And I mean everything good Destiny has going for it--the social MMO-lite style lobby play and everything.
Warhammer Vermintide is a Fantasy Melee FPS game that's like Left4Dead but it somewhat scratches that itch. You have different weapons that give different abilities and it has random drops and such as well.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
WHO are you to dictate how WE would react to a game like EverQuest. It's very understandable to say this about yourself but you have no idea how OTHER people can react to a certain kind of games. Stop acting like a self-righteous prick, accept the fact that what you "think" might be inaccurate.
Oh hey, is this Lisa Boelyn?

It is my opinion, Lisa, that the mainstay of what made Everquest so popular was the lack of social networking sites, mobile device connectivity, with a unique inter-dependence model that fostered online friendships in an online game which had some unique "Losing yourself" in the world qualities with unique and rare loot/named NPC mechanics. I look at the market demographic today and those folks that played original EQ, well, most of them anyway from what I garner here on the forums that all came from that game back when this was an FOH site, have family, jobs, less free time, and countless competition avenues for their entertainment time. Which has changed quite drastically from 1999. Three major consoles, higher end PC gaming, a new indie industry, Steam game sales, back logs of games, netflix, on-demand, movies and TV Shows, and one of your favorites, the cuckold section of - plus speedy internet which can deliver all these at the drop of a hat; obviously were not around in 1999 (In the accessible formats they are today)

I think people here remember, fondly, of the times of yesteryear and wish they could be that engaged in a video game/world with that amount of fun social interaction when you met and became friends (Sometimes real world friends) with the people you met in the game simply because of a long leveling curve while not taking into account an obvious delta between the content we had back then, and the content we have available today, across all mediums. This isn't taking into account the newest generation of gamers who (most, not all) have the attention span to stay on track with a game for 5 minutes before sinking their head back into their smart phone or Macbook air. Anyway, I also remember playing with my tinkertoys - and sometimes while out here in this crazy world, I think back to how great it would be to time shift back to when I was 7 and not have a care in the world and start building whatever the hell I was trying to make with Tinkertoys. Was it the Tinkertoys? Or was it because I was 7 and didn't have a care in the world? Or both.

So what I am stating is that while there will definitely be some that play it (I would too just to see what it is like), I firmly believe that the minute someone gets nailed with a 1 hour corpse run they haven't faced since they were 17 years old while sucking down wheat thins and spray cheese like Oxygen 15 years ago as they were trying to break the Plane of Fear, things will change in their head and they will go back to picking up a game more casual.

Now would you kindly take your medicine and crawl back into Ryan Elam's ass where you came from?



Uncle Ut.

PS: Ignore the Ryan Elam part if I am wrong in my guess that you are Lisa Boelyn. But still make sure to take your medicine.


Being young enough and dumb/desperate/lonely enough to sink way too much time into a video game isn't a luxury exclusive to the EQ generation. And don't try to say there just weren't any other options back then. There were a TON of games we ignored to play EQ, we just don't remember them because we were balls deep in EQ.

Not that Pantheon will be the game to appeal to any generation of gamer, or to anyone at all really.
We've had this discussion literally a million times, and the conclusion is actually that no you didn't have lots of options, you don't get to be the first to do something and then point to all the competition you had when you did it. Dumb.