Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Trakanon Raider
Hopefully it comes out. More choices are always good and maybe those stuck in 99 wont just have forums or odd EQ servers to fall back on. But I wouldn't trust brad to run a lemonade stand.

Will it succeed if it does come out? Who knows. Rose colored glasses are very deceiving and most people who say they want the "old days" back, but don't last for a week when it confronted with it. Also depends on how low they can still run a profitable game, as it will most likely be very niche.
If you hate EQ style MMO's so much, why do you spend so much time posting in topics about them? Seems to me if you liked the newer MMO's so much, you'd actually be playing them instead of playing the Rerolled forum game. But posting here is more fun than playing any MMO currently on the market, so I understand.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If you hate EQ style MMO's so much, why do you spend so much time posting in topics about them? Seems to me if you liked the newer MMO's so much, you'd actually be playing them instead of playing the Rerolled forum game. But posting here is more fun than playing any MMO currently on the market, so I understand.
Boy you got defensive fast. Because posting on a forum takes up so much time and you can't possibly do that + play games, what blasphemy! Good to see your stupidity doesn't just involve opinions on games.

And actually I enjoyed my EQ time and even play on the TLPs and did a progression guild on test for a while. I just don't let my nostalgia blind me nor take on a fanatical hatred of anything "modern" because of those rose tinted glasses.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
If you hate EQ style MMO's so much,
This made me laugh a bit. Like there is some huge sub genre of EQ style games that have been made. Outside of the superior WoW and its plethora of children(copycats), you could collect all of the EQ style games into a smaller Brad has worked on.


I just don't understand why people seem to root for these games to fail. I mean I understand that the vast majority of them will suck, but I still hold out hope that there will eventually be another good MMO with good group content and minimal P2W elements. Call me a dreamer.


I just don't understand why people seem to root for these games to fail.
I don't get the rhetorical question, but I'll answer on the off-chance it actually isn't one.

Different reasons ofc.

Some people don't like Kickstarters and borderline scam games. Some people feel a lot of those guys making small shitty games are further ruining the industry by introducing nothing new except some paper idea with no way to realize it. Some people hate particular people who are making a particular game period, good or not. Some people like 'their' game already and don't want it threatened by some perceived new hotness. Some people are so tired of the current MMO scene as a whole and just want it to entirely burn to the ground so that it can start over fresh with new seedlings. Almost as many different reasons as the humans who play them.

I personally think it's just gaming Darwinism and most people want to obviously cheer for the projects that they intuitively feel are stronger and will move the condition (genre) forward, not time-travel backwards in some regurgitative way.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Not sure who is "rooting" for it to fail. Everything I have seen is just stating they think it will.

Though like Jackdaddio said, there are some reasons that have nothing to do with the "Type of game" but more of who runs it, how it came about, just to watch the ultimate fanboys/cult followers reaction etc.


Vyemm Raider
I think it will be interesting to see how the newer generation of MMO players take to a game thats more like EQ than whats currently on the market. It could just be a good point of time for another game like it to resurface with all its punishing elements and potential to grief people like no other.

I dont hold hate for its creator like some, i just play them and if they flop i move on, nothing else to it. Tho i do admit i hate Daybreak for ruining my hopes of EQN ever seeing the light of day!(or sony, or smed or whoever i need to point the finger at)


Trump's Staff
I suspect that, if this ever really releases, the "new generation" of MMO players won't have any interest to play it. I loved EQ but this game looks pretty unappetizing.


2 Minutes Hate
I think it will be interesting to see how the newer generation of MMO players take to a game thats more like EQ than whats currently on the market. It could just be a good point of time for another game like it to resurface with all its punishing elements and potential to grief people like no other.

I dont hold hate for its creator like some, i just play them and if they flop i move on, nothing else to it. Tho i do admit i hate Daybreak for ruining my hopes of EQN ever seeing the light of day!(or sony, or smed or whoever i need to point the finger at)
Newer MMO players will never hear of or see this game.


Vyemm Raider
Newer MMO players will never hear of or see this game.
I dont believe this, sure they may no flock to it - but at one point in time this type of game was what we all wanted and didnt know it - It swept us up for year. Now there are now MMOs cropping up monthly that fall off by years end. We have no real way of knowing how it will be received until after it releases and newer gamers will hear about it from us old folk who theyve encountered in the WoW clones.

Its a toss up but id rather see it come out than not come out at this point. Me my other old EQ1 buds just wonder what kind of time frame this game has for its alpha and beta.


Molten Core Raider
There are a few facts that may affect any throwback MMO that may be happening in the future.

1. PC gaming reached its peak of funding and large scale releases around 2007-2008. Large publishers were dumping a ton of funding into PC gaming including a bunch on MMOs.
2. No Big publisher today is funding these types of games right now.
3. PC gaming is showing significant growth over the last few years and continues as a growth market and investments are happening again ( not 2007-2008 levels )
4. CRPGs have been revisited and are successful: Divinity, Pillars of Eternity, Baldurs expansion, wasteland
5. CRPGs had a huge influence on old school MMOs as we have played them.

It will be something indie that happens that is eq-ish and personally i think its a matter of the tools being good enough to make a truly good MMO that will bring the old school back.. There will have to be several of these old school, kickstarter or otherwise funded games to get the big publishers back in the old school MMO game.

It will take a while, but it will happen.

Or maybe Blizzard just starts up its own Vanilla servers..

Blizzard Execs ( including C levels ) met with the group that built nostalrius in June.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Well you can go back and read this thread from the start but I can assure you nobody was rooting for this game at fail to start with. In fact when Brad showed up and announced his idea it was mostly welcome with open arms. In fact many people simply wanted to know more and were willing to help see a new MMO that went back to the EQ beginings which were stolen from Dikumud's in the first place. Even though people were mostly welcoming they were rightfully skeptical of Brad's pipedream of opening a new company via kickstarter on our dime.

Then the kickstarter happened and you could see how little of a plan or really anything they had before them. They were just internet panhandling and trying to scam people out of their money. People asked to Brad to delay the kickstarter or talk with the people here but he just disappeared which seems to be his MO when shit goes bad. Some of us called out this scummy cunt for what he was and negs were thrown around by the delusional who continue to this day to believe in this guy. Then he started a pay site to monthly fee his cult and sell them fake Jboots for a game that will never exist.

Next we find out he has pocketed 30k cash no paid his staff and put a religious nut job in charge of his fuzzy troll adventure while he popped pills and did wheelies on a dirtbike.

Now he is showing streams of unity assets and looks a lot like some basic EQ combat, and as long as he keeps shitting out little pellets of info his cult keeps throwing dollars his way. Nobody is rooting for the game to fail in fact many here want nothing more than a group based MMO with decent Risk/Reward. Some of us enjoyed the aspects of the game gutted from today's MMO's. What they don't believe in is Brad.

If this game comes out and is awesome and fun then everyone wins. But after this guy has fucked and burned so many people I would think it's only common sense to doubt anything Brad has a hand in. If Brad can fool all of the Microsoft executives into thinking he's building more than smoke and mirrors, then I am sure he can fool some twitch viewers into the same. If Brad wasn't a lying piece of shit more people here would probably be on board. And if he really wanted funding and had any ability as a programmer then he should seek to move MMO's to their next logical medium which is Virtual Reality EQ. VRMMORPG would be something to put dollars behind..

All I am saying is that it's more likely that you guys would be getting head from Natalie Dormer, while holding a winning powerball ticket, when a lighting bolt strikes you than this game ever being released in a finished state.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
There are a few facts that may affect any throwback MMO that may be happening in the future.

1. PC gaming reached its peak of funding and large scale releases around 2007-2008. Large publishers were dumping a ton of funding into PC gaming including a bunch on MMOs.
2. No Big publisher today is funding these types of games right now.
3. PC gaming is showing significant growth over the last few years and continues as a growth market and investments are happening again ( not 2007-2008 levels )
4. CRPGs have been revisited and are successful: Divinity, Pillars of Eternity, Baldurs expansion, wasteland
5. CRPGs had a huge influence on old school MMOs as we have played them.

It will be something indie that happens that is eq-ish and personally i think its a matter of the tools being good enough to make a truly good MMO that will bring the old school back.. There will have to be several of these old school, kickstarter or otherwise funded games to get the big publishers back in the old school MMO game.

It will take a while, but it will happen.

Or maybe Blizzard just starts up its own Vanilla servers..

Blizzard Execs ( including C levels ) met with the group that built nostalrius in June.
The only throwbacks that have been commercially successful:
