Potato del Grande
Does anyone know of up and coming MMOs other than Pantheon with grouping focus ?
Asking for a friend.
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Does anyone know of up and coming MMOs other than Pantheon with grouping focus ?
Does anyone know of up and coming MMOs other than Pantheon with grouping focus ?
They could merge with Smedley's team!If Twitch acquires Visionary Realms i'll eat my Vanguard box.
LOLAfter an intro to Visionary Realms and Pantheon, and then a quick demo, the Twitch team took time out of their day to actually sit down and play Pantheon! They played more than an hour and really seemed to be enjoying themselves. Not only was it rewarding to share and show off the game but their positive and excited reactions while playing was very encouraging and validating -- reminded me of the first time we unveiled EQ to the public at GDC 1997/8 -- we could tell by people's reactions that we were definitely on to something. Today was very similar and the vibe I got was that 1. we're definitely already re-capturing that magic and feel and 2. that an MMO like Pantheon, virtually alone in a sea of hyper-casual MMOs, is definitely what a lot of online gamers have been waiting for and for quite some time!
*Taken from Brad McQuaids Facebook page*
After looking through a lot of the screenshots they have out, it definitely looks like an updated Vanguard. If it can capture the magic that was there and leave behind the performance issues, this might just turn it around... If this ever makes it out, I may actually pick it up.