Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Molten Core Raider
Id just like to know if hes going to let the community have addons. So if I find something to be extra ridiculous, I can find a mod that makes it less annoying. Im still on the "Im going to try it" train, but he has got to stop being so gd vague about shit.
They have been pretty adamantly against having WoW/Rift style addons. They have said they are going to allow UI customization. So it sounds like we should expect it to be very similar to EQ from this perspective. I am hopefully that we will be getting a log file that we can parse in real time, but will see - there have been some debates on the board even about that from the folks who don't want real-time parsing because...snowflake reasons.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Graphics enhancements look amazing now. I'd put them on par with anything else out there in this space.

Character models and animations still need some more work but also appear improved.

I'm less concerned about server performance under heavy load since it's Unity. At this point, my biggest worry is feature creep and making sure the content is there at launch.


Molten Core Raider
Nice improvements, but they've been trying to lure people in with "pre-alpha soon" for nearly a year now. Their first stream with Cohh Carnage was December 2016 in which they said hopefully pre-alpha would be available in Q1 17. Now approaching mid Q3 17, and they still aren't giving a good idea on when pre-alpha will actually be available for those that want to actually put up the money. "Pre-alpha soon, but once it starts you won't be able to get in so buy now!"


Golden Knight of the Realm
I mean, if I was in his shoes.. I guess I would still want to let people know Im making progress on this game. Im not sure I would make releases about different parts of Alpha that only a very select group of people have access to, though. The lighting looked great, and admittedly, it did make a big difference. Animations, like Xzi said, are make or break for a lot of people. The game just feels poorly made and reflects a cheap experience to the player if they arent smooth. I would love for their animations to be on par with what Blizzard releases, but we all have reasons to be skeptical of the ability for brads team to pull this off.

I read the first half of that article this morning when I was waiting for someone. It just kind of repeats itself over and over through several paragraphs.. But, I wish Brad would be more specific about how the game has "more depth" than what other MMO's are currently doing. I dont exactly call farming a static mob over and over an in depth and compelling experience. But I do that in WoW once a week, so I can only complain about that but so much. Or does he mean the crafting? Are items that we need for crafting off boss mobs? Is that it? Cause thats pretty basic as well. Or the interactive quest events that pop up that every other mmo has now? Are we suppose to think that having to not only be near a quest npc to know they have a quest, but also read in between the lines on their quest dialogue to find out what exactly they want.. is that suppose to be better than the simple concept of a quest hub?

I mean, some of the stuff hes just bragged about seems like hes just taking basic concepts and just made them more annoying. If thats what hes calling depth, then.. c'mon man...

Id just like to know if hes going to let the community have addons. So if I find something to be extra ridiculous, I can find a mod that makes it less annoying. Im still on the "Im going to try it" train, but he has got to stop being so gd vague about shit.
Even if it's just like EQ, it will have more depth than current MMOs. Logging into games today and following the sparkles or minimap indicators from hub to hub or going into a lobby to queue up an instance is the epitome of shallow. Just having to interact with other people, needing others to achieve anything, and the world being more dangerous and non-linear/open-ended immediately qualifies it as having exponentially more depth. If all he means is that we're throwing a world at you with a few new tricks, and it's up to you to figure out ways to succeed, I'm on board.

There's really no need to muddy things up when a proven model already exists.
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Beta has evolved today into nothing but marketing bullshit, and a way to get pre-orders.

Was just talking about this last night, with the newest Call of Duty "beta" which is literally just a demo for the game and in no way, shape, or form a beta. I think it damages the industry as a whole because when actual betas come out (you know, things that last longer than 3 days), you have an immense amount of negative feedback that is almost never constructive criticism because people expect to launch the game into a perfect 100% stable bug-free build.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Game looks much better but I always worry about animations. I'll pick this up when they have an actual game to fuck around in. Fuck all going on in the new MMO space so why not.
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TLP Idealist
I hope we don't see a ton of feature creep. I'd rather a few more zones than another feature most people won't use.

I saw a while back one of their zone designers was the guy who did Guk, arguably the best dungeon in classic EQ.

People who argue against parsing make me want to never log into the forums again. Pure scum.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I hope we don't see a ton of feature creep. I'd rather a few more zones than another feature most people won't use.

I saw a while back one of their zone designers was the guy who did Guk, arguably the best dungeon in classic EQ.

People who argue against parsing make me want to never log into the forums again. Pure scum.

Usually they are terribad faggots who don't want people to be able to see how fucking awful they really are.
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"I don't care about damage meters", says the 350k dps mage. Classic WoW move.

I don't care about meters cause I'm a healer but it's nice to know who to call a dumb bitch
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Looking good. Always nice to see them making progress. Doesn't mean a ton in the big picture
I hope we don't see a ton of feature creep. I'd rather a few more zones than another feature most people won't use.

I saw a while back one of their zone designers was the guy who did Guk, arguably the best dungeon in classic EQ.

People who argue against parsing make me want to never log into the forums again. Pure scum.

They managed to find the guy that designed Guk in EQ? That's impressive. What a great dungeon that was. Definitely the best vanilla dungeon.

It's not really a dungeon, but I was always impressed with the design of CB. It's a pretty small area, but they packed a ton into it with clever design. I was still finding new areas in CB years later.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
There was a bunch of stuff that you would end up finding in EverQuest years later. Simply because the place was dangerous as fuck up into your high teens and low 20's. The risk versus reward just didnt compare at that level. I found little nooks and crannies with mobs in LGuk that I had either forgotten about, or never found originally, when I played P99. I really dont know if it was nostalgia or not, but Guk as a whole, Old Sebilis, hell, Velks Labyrinth too! They were all great zones.
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I hope we don't see a ton of feature creep. I'd rather a few more zones than another feature most people won't use.

I saw a while back one of their zone designers was the guy who did Guk, arguably the best dungeon in classic EQ.

People who argue against parsing make me want to never log into the forums again. Pure scum.
How the fuck am I suppose to afk raid?


<Bronze Donator>
The guy that designed Guk/Sebilis etc. is no longer on the team. He did some stuff three years ago for VR, before everyone left and Brad had to restaff.


TLP Idealist
The guy that designed Guk/Sebilis etc. is no longer on the team. He did some stuff three years ago for VR, before everyone left and Brad had to restaff.


That's from this year. It's a weird status to post if the guy isn't involved at all.


Molten Core Raider
I plan to buy in once they announce pre-alpha or whatever. Anyone else going to bite the bullet?

I'd do the pre-alpha if it was $100 or so, but I'm not paying $1200 to test an MMO, that's just ridiculous.

The game does look remarkably better. Maybe it will release before I die and I'll get to check it out.
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Molten Core Raider
He's not on their team page, so it's hard to say if he is on their team and Vu did Seb not Guk.